postcode Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl. The neighbourhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl is one of the 6 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 01 Oost. There are 4 postcodes and 2 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceFriesland
  • municipalityWaadhoeke
  • placeOudebildtzijl
  • population density120 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants90 inhabitants
  • households45 households
  • districtWijk 01 Oost
  • postcodes4 postcodes
  • streets2 streets
  • land77 km2 land
  • water1 km2 water

Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl.

postcodes Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl. How many postcodes Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl has? Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl has 4 postcodes.

streets Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

How many streets does Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl have? Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl has 2 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl.

More about the neighbourhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 01 Oost within the city Oudebildtzijl of the province Friesland. The neighborhood Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl has 4 postcodes with 2 streets.

In total Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl counts 45 households with 90 inhabitants. The households comprise 38% of single households, 22% of households with children and 40% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl, 41 are married, that is 46% of the inhabitants of Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl.

province: Friesland
municipality: Waadhoeke
place: Oudebildtzijl
district: Wijk 01 Oost
postcode numbers: 9078,
area code: 0518

Stations and supermarkets Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl and surroundings.

stations Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

station street postcode distance
Station Deinum Spoorstrjitte 12B 9033WJ 12.51 km
Station Dronrijp Hatzum 5 9035VK 14.87 km
Station Leeuwarden Stationsplein 1 8911AC 15.83 km
Station Mantgum Tsjeintgum 3 9022BJ 18.79 km
Station Leeuwarden Camm. Rooswinkelstate 5 8925LC 19.47 km

supermarkets Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Oude Bildtdijk Oude Bildtzijl.

supermarket street postcode distance
Troefmarkt Ds. Schuilingstraat 2 9078WD 2.67 km
Aldi Beuckelaerstraat 29 9076DA 4.46 km
Poiesz Dordtse Straat 19 9076CL 4.65 km
Spar Hôfsleane 65 9041AM 8.03 km
Jumbo Pyter Jurjensstrjitte 3 9051BT 8.13 km
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