Searhcing for the postcodes near 9924? There are 2 postcodes that have the postcode number 9924 in Startenhuizen. 9924 is a postcode number in the place Startenhuizen within the municipalityLoppersum in the province Groningen. There are 2 streets that have as postcode number 9924 in Startenhuizen.
There is 1 district that has the postcode number 9924, that is the district Wijk 01 Stedum; .
In the overview below you will find all postcodes and streets with the postcode number 9924.
postcode | street | neighbourhood |
9924PA | Karshofweg 1 t/m 17 | Garsthuizen (gedeeltelijk) |
9924TA | Huizingerweg 2 t/m 2 | Garsthuizen (gedeeltelijk) |
These are the neighbourhoods and districts that have the postcode number 9924.
Districts using the postcode number 9924 in Startenhuizen.
The neighbourhoods that use the postcode number 9924 in Startenhuizen.