postcode Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide. The neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide is one of the 4 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 00 Schaijk. There are 21 postcodes and 18 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceNoord-Brabant
  • municipalityLanderd
  • placeSchaijk
  • population density32 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants550 inhabitants
  • households180 households
  • districtWijk 00 Schaijk
  • postcodes21 postcodes
  • streets18 streets
  • land1 704 km2 land
  • water28 km2 water

Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide.

postcodes Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide. How many postcodes Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide has? Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide has 21 postcodes.

streets Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

How many streets does Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide have? Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide has 18 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide.

More about the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 00 Schaijk within the city Schaijk of the province Noord-Brabant. The neighborhood Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide has 21 postcodes with 18 streets.

In total Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide counts 180 households with 550 inhabitants. The households comprise 27% of single households, 43% of households with children and 31% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide, 226 are married, that is 41% of the inhabitants of Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Landerd
place: Schaijk
district: Wijk 00 Schaijk
postcode numbers: 5374,
area code: 0486

Stations and supermarkets Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide and surroundings.

stations Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

station street postcode distance
Station Ravenstein Stationssingel 122 5371BB 8.2 km
Station Oss Spoorlaan 7 5348KA 12.07 km
Station Oss West Braakstraat 139 5345WZ 14.25 km
Station Wijchen Stationsplein 2 6602BN 14.96 km
Station Nijmegen Dukenburg Zwanenveld 8401 6538TL 21.51 km

supermarkets Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Verspreide huizen Schaijkse Heide.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Burgemeester Hoefnagelstraat 14 5374GZ 2.52 km
EMTE Schutsboomstraat 3 5374CA 2.7 km
EMTE Venpad 3 5374CA 2.7 km
Aldi Kerkstraat 33 5411EA 5.6 km
Jumbo Kerkstraat 47 5411EA 5.65 km
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