postcode Zwanenburg Zuidwest

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest. The neighbourhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest is one of the 8 neighbourhoods within the district Zwanenburg. There are 23 postcodes and 9 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceNoord-Holland
  • municipalityHaarlemmermeer
  • placeZwanenburg
  • population density4 545 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants985 inhabitants
  • households490 households
  • districtZwanenburg
  • postcodes23 postcodes
  • streets9 streets
  • land22 km2 land
  • water0 km2 water

Zwanenburg Zuidwest postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest.

postcodes Zwanenburg Zuidwest

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest. How many postcodes Zwanenburg Zuidwest has? Zwanenburg Zuidwest has 23 postcodes.

streets Zwanenburg Zuidwest

How many streets does Zwanenburg Zuidwest have? Zwanenburg Zuidwest has 9 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest.

More about the neighbourhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest

Zwanenburg Zuidwest is a neighborhood in the district Zwanenburg within the city Zwanenburg of the province Noord-Holland. The neighborhood Zwanenburg Zuidwest has 23 postcodes with 9 streets.

In total Zwanenburg Zuidwest counts 490 households with 985 inhabitants. The households comprise 42% of single households, 35% of households with children and 23% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Zwanenburg Zuidwest, 315 are married, that is 32% of the inhabitants of Zwanenburg Zuidwest.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Haarlemmermeer
place: Zwanenburg
district: Zwanenburg
postcode numbers: 1161,
area code: 020

Stations and supermarkets Zwanenburg Zuidwest

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Zwanenburg Zuidwest and surroundings.

stations Zwanenburg Zuidwest

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Zwanenburg Zuidwest

station street postcode distance
Station Halfweg-Zwanenburg Haarlemmerstraatweg 29 1165MJ 0.83 km
Station Haarlem Spaarnwoude Woudplein 4 2031CZ 7.95 km
Station Schiphol Aankomstpassage 18 1118AX 7.98 km
Station Zaandam Provincialeweg 25 1506MA 10.33 km
Station Zaandam Korte Hogendijk 25 1506MA 10.33 km

supermarkets Zwanenburg Zuidwest

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Zwanenburg Zuidwest.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Dennenlaan 133 1161CN 0.49 km
Albert Heijn Dennenlaan 45 1161CL 0.86 km
Dirk Dennenlaan 19 1161CK 1.02 km
Coop Dijkgraafplein 409 1069EV 5.42 km
Jumbo Pieter Calandlaan 808 1060TZ 5.84 km
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