postcode Zandhorst 3

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Zandhorst 3? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Zandhorst 3. The neighbourhood Zandhorst 3 is one of the 7 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 12 Bedrijventerrein. There are 10 postcodes and 10 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

Zandhorst 3 postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Zandhorst 3.

postcodes Zandhorst 3

Some postcodes of the neighborhood Zandhorst 3. How many postcodes Zandhorst 3 has? Zandhorst 3 has 10 postcodes.

streets Zandhorst 3

How many streets does Zandhorst 3 have? Zandhorst 3 has 10 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Zandhorst 3.

More about the neighbourhood Zandhorst 3

Zandhorst 3 is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 12 Bedrijventerrein within the city Heerhugowaard of the province Noord-Holland. The neighborhood Zandhorst 3 has 10 postcodes with 10 streets.

In total Zandhorst 3 counts 0 households with 135 inhabitants. The households comprise -99999999% of single households, -99999999% of households with children and -99999999% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Zandhorst 3, 5 are married, that is 4% of the inhabitants of Zandhorst 3.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Heerhugowaard
place: Heerhugowaard
district: Wijk 12 Bedrijventerrein
postcode numbers: 1704,
area code: 072

Stations and supermarkets Zandhorst 3

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Zandhorst 3 and surroundings.

stations Zandhorst 3

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Zandhorst 3

station street postcode distance
Station Heerhugowaard Stationsplein 5 1703WD 2.74 km
Station Obdam Dorpsstraat 156 1713HM 8.8 km
Station Obdam Stationsweg 156 1713HM 8.8 km
Station Station Alkmaar Noord Drechterwaard 110 1824DX 9.44 km
Station Schagen Plantsoen 1 1741EM 10.65 km

supermarkets Zandhorst 3

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Zandhorst 3.

supermarket street postcode distance
Deen Dorpsstraat 522 1723HG 2.51 km
Deen Voorburggracht 230 1722GE 2.58 km
Aldi Voorburggracht 224 1722GE 2.66 km
Vomar Raadhuisplein 2 1701EJ 2.84 km
Albert Heijn Middenweg 245 1701GC 3.02 km
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