postcode Rosmolenbuurt

What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Rosmolenbuurt? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Rosmolenbuurt. The neighbourhood Rosmolenbuurt is one of the 1 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 14 Rosmolenwijk. There are 199 postcodes and 75 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.

  • provinceNoord-Holland
  • municipalityZaanstad
  • placeZaandam
  • population density8 661 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants8 035 inhabitants
  • households4 125 households
  • districtWijk 14 Rosmolenwijk
  • postcodes199 postcodes
  • streets75 streets
  • land93 km2 land
  • water10 km2 water

More about the neighbourhood Rosmolenbuurt

Rosmolenbuurt is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 14 Rosmolenwijk within the city Zaandam of the province Noord-Holland. The neighborhood Rosmolenbuurt has 199 postcodes with 75 streets.

In total Rosmolenbuurt counts 4 125 households with 8 035 inhabitants. The households comprise 45% of single households, 29% of households with children and 27% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Rosmolenbuurt, 2 732 are married, that is 34% of the inhabitants of Rosmolenbuurt.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Zaanstad
place: Zaandam
district: Wijk 14 Rosmolenwijk
postcode numbers: 1502, 1508,
area code: 075

Stations and supermarkets Rosmolenbuurt

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Rosmolenbuurt and surroundings.

stations Rosmolenbuurt

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Rosmolenbuurt

station street postcode distance
Station Zaandam Kogerveld Veldbloemenweg 2 1508WV 1.33 km
Station Zaandam Provincialeweg 25 1506MA 1.68 km
Station Zaandam Korte Hogendijk 25 1506MA 1.68 km
Station Koog Bloemwijk De Locomotief 59 1541MP 2.56 km
Station Koog-Zaandijk Stationsplein 1 1541LK 3.29 km

supermarkets Rosmolenbuurt

These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Rosmolenbuurt.

supermarket street postcode distance
Dekamarkt Oostzijde 177 1502BD 0.41 km
Lidl Westzijde 59 1506EC 0.72 km
Dirk Behouden Haven 7 1506VA 0.81 km
Vomar Czaar Peterstraat 10 1506SN 1.02 km
Dekamarkt Prinsenstraat 35 1501NR 1.04 km
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