Searhcing for the postcodes near 2718? There are 216 postcodes that have the postcode number 2718 in Zoetermeer. 2718 is a postcode number in the place Zoetermeer within the municipalityZoetermeer in the province Zuid-Holland. There are 99 streets that have as postcode number 2718 in Zoetermeer.
There are 2 districts that use 2718 as postcode number, that are the districts:Rokkeveen and Industriegebied.
In the overview below you will find all postcodes and streets with the postcode number 2718.
These are the neighbourhoods and districts that have the postcode number 2718.
Districts using the postcode number 2718 in Zoetermeer.
The neighbourhoods that use the postcode number 2718 in Zoetermeer.