Postcode 1300BG in Almere

Searching for the streetname with postcode 1300BG? There is one street which uses the postcode 1300BG in Almere. 1300BG is a postcode in the place Almere within the municipality Almere in the province Flevoland. 1300BG has the postcode number 1300 and is located in the neighbourhood within the district .

The postcode 1300BG belongs to the street Postbus and has the following housenumber range: 0 - 10000.

Overview Streets postcode 1300BG

There is one street belonging to the postcode 1300BG in Almere.

street postcode house numbers
Postbus 1300BG 0 to 10000

More about the postcode 1300BG

1300BG is a postcode in the city Almere within the municipality Almere of the province Flevoland. 1300BG is 1 of the 5 769 postcodes in Almere. 1300BG is assigned to 1 street of the total 2 124 streets that is using Almere. The postcode 1300BG is linked to the street Postbus and has the house number range 0 - 10000.

province: Flevoland
municipality: Almere
place: Almere
postcode number: 1300
area code: 036

Stations and supermarkets 1300BG

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 1300BG.

stations 1300BG

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 1300BG.

station street postcode distance
Station Almere Centrum Stationsplein 27 1315KT 4.66 km
Station Almere Parkwijk Onder de berken 1 1326AE 5.12 km
Station Station Almere Muziekwijk Strawinskypad 100 1323PZ 6.35 km
Station Station Almere Buiten Noordeinde 172 1334BC 6.97 km
Station Naarden-Bussum Stationsweg 3 1404AN 16.61 km

supermarkets 1300BG

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 1300BG.

station street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Botplein 15 1317SK 3.37 km
Jumbo Geinplein 32 1316HC 3.59 km
Lidl Saffraanplein 2931 1314HJ 4.29 km
Albert Heijn Lavendelplantsoen 60 1313GA 4.51 km
Aldi Regisseurstraat 1 1315LT 4.73 km
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