Postcode Pieter van Damstraat in Almere

In search for the postcode of Pieter van Damstraat? There are 7 postcodes linked to the street Pieter van Damstraat in Almere. Pieter van Damstraat is a street in the place Almere within the municipality Almere in the province Flevoland. Pieter van Damstraat has the postcode number 1335 and is located in the neighbourhood Oostvaardersbuurt within the district Wijk 03 Almere Buiten.

Overview Postcodes Pieter van Damstraat

There are 7 postcodes belonging to the street Pieter van Damstraat in Almere.

Postcodes and streets at Pieter van Damstraat in Almere

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Pieter van Damstraat.

More about Pieter van Damstraat

Pieter van Damstraat is a street in the place Almere within the municipality Almere of the province Flevoland. Pieter van Damstraat is 1 of the 2 124 streets in Almere. Pieter van Damstraat knows 7 postcodes of the total 5 769 postcodes that Almere has.

Pieter van Damstraat is located in the neighbourhood Oostvaardersbuurt within the district Wijk 03 Almere Buiten. This neighbourhood has a total of 116 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 155 households with 5 905 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Pieter van Damstraat is 036.

province: Flevoland
municipality: Almere
place: Almere
district: Wijk 03 Almere Buiten
neighbourhood: Oostvaardersbuurt
postcode number: 1335
area code: 036

Stations and supermarkets Pieter van Damstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Pieter van Damstraat

stations Pieter van Damstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Pieter van Damstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Station Almere Buiten Noordeinde 172 1334BC 2.24 km
Station Almere Parkwijk Onder de berken 1 1326AE 6.89 km
Station Almere Centrum Stationsplein 27 1315KT 9.14 km
Station Station Almere Muziekwijk Strawinskypad 100 1323PZ 12.37 km
Station Naarden-Bussum Stationsweg 3 1404AN 20.55 km

supermarkets Pieter van Damstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Pieter van Damstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Deen Regenboogweg 43 1339ET 0.94 km
Albert Heijn Ambonstraat 2008 1335JV 0.98 km
Plus Meistraat 102 1335BM 1 km
Albert Heijn Rio de Janeiroplein 1 1334HE 1.97 km
Lidl Globeplein 2333 1334BW 2.05 km
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