Postcode Grote Haag in Zeewolde

In search for the postcode of Grote Haag? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Grote Haag in Zeewolde. Grote Haag is a street in the place Zeewolde within the municipality Zeewolde in the province Flevoland. Grote Haag has the postcode number 3893 and is located in the neighbourhood Derde woonwijk within the district Wijk 00.

Overview Postcodes Grote Haag

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Grote Haag in Zeewolde.

postcode street house numbers
3893CL Grote Haag 1 t/m 49
3893CM Grote Haag 51 t/m 95
3893CN Grote Haag 20 t/m 68

More about Grote Haag

Grote Haag is a street in the place Zeewolde within the municipality Zeewolde of the province Flevoland. Grote Haag is 1 of the 371 streets in Zeewolde. Grote Haag knows 3 postcodes of the total 606 postcodes that Zeewolde has.

Grote Haag is located in the neighbourhood Derde woonwijk within the district Wijk 00. This neighbourhood has a total of 144 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 395 households with 6 615 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Grote Haag is 036.

province: Flevoland
municipality: Zeewolde
place: Zeewolde
district: Wijk 00
neighbourhood: Derde woonwijk
postcode number: 3893
area code: 036

Stations and supermarkets Grote Haag

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Grote Haag

stations Grote Haag

Below you see the stations which are near the street Grote Haag with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Putten Stationsstraat 127 3881AC 9.5 km
Station Ermelo Dokter van Dalelaan 9 3851JA 10.98 km
Station Harderwijk Stationsplein 1 3844KR 11.16 km
Station Nijkerk Willem-Alexanderplein 16 3862CE 12.33 km
Station Amersfoort Vathorst Veenweg 4 3829MJ 18.23 km

supermarkets Grote Haag

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Grote Haag.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Aquamarijn 21 3893EA 0.87 km
Lidl Gouwzee 27 3891GH 2.27 km
Boni Gouwzee 65 3891GH 2.28 km
Deen Flevoplein 6 3891BA 2.37 km
Albert Heijn Kerkstraat 26 3891ET 2.41 km
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