Postcode Skoalstrjitte in Tzummarum

In search for the postcode of Skoalstrjitte? There is one postcode linked to the street Skoalstrjitte in Tzummarum. Skoalstrjitte is a street in the place Tzummarum within the municipality Waadhoeke in the province Friesland. Skoalstrjitte has the postcode number 8851 and is located in the neighbourhood Tzummarum within the district Wijk 01 Noord.

Overview Postcodes Skoalstrjitte

There is one postcode belonging to the street Skoalstrjitte in Tzummarum.

postcode street house numbers
8851GA Skoalstrjitte 1 t/m 19

More about Skoalstrjitte

Skoalstrjitte is a street in the place Tzummarum within the municipality Waadhoeke of the province Friesland. Skoalstrjitte is 1 of the 41 streets in Tzummarum. Skoalstrjitte has 1 postcode of the total 53 postcodes that Tzummarum knows.

Skoalstrjitte is located in the neighbourhood Tzummarum within the district Wijk 01 Noord. This neighbourhood has a total of 45 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 530 households with 1 205 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Skoalstrjitte is 0518.

province: Friesland
municipality: Waadhoeke
place: Tzummarum
district: Wijk 01 Noord
neighbourhood: Tzummarum
postcode number: 8851
area code: 0518

Stations and supermarkets Skoalstrjitte

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Skoalstrjitte

stations Skoalstrjitte

Below you see the stations which are near the street Skoalstrjitte with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Franeker Anna Maria van Schurmansingel 59 8801JR 6.15 km
Station Dronrijp Hatzum 5 9035VK 11.99 km
Station Harlingen Stationsweg 6B 8861GA 15.38 km
Station Harlingen Haven Willemskade 5A 8861XB 16.48 km
Station Harlingen Haven Zuiderhaven 5A 8861XB 16.48 km

supermarkets Skoalstrjitte

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Skoalstrjitte.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Hege Buorren 8 9047HS 5.54 km
Albert Heijn Leeuwarderweg 8 8801BV 5.68 km
Lidl Voorstraat 62 8801LE 5.72 km
Poiesz Sjaardemastraat 9 8801KW 5.73 km
Poiesz Julianastraat 1 8801JH 6.19 km
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