Postcode 8899AM in Vlieland

Searching for the streetname with postcode 8899AM? There are 2 streets using the postcode 8899AM in Vlieland. 8899AM is a postcode in the place Vlieland within the municipality Vlieland in the province Friesland. 8899AM has the postcode number 8899 and is located in the neighbourhood Oost-Vlieland within the district Wijk 00.

The postcode 8899AM belongs to the streets Dorpsstraat en Betzy Akerslootglop belonging to the postcode 8899AM in Vlieland

Overview Streets postcode 8899AM

There are 2 streets belonging to the postcode 8899AM in Vlieland.

street postcode house numbers
Dorpsstraat 8899AM 104 to 122
Betzy Akerslootglop 8899AM 1 to 3

More about the postcode 8899AM

8899AM is a postcode in the city Vlieland within the municipality Vlieland of the province Friesland. 8899AM is 1 of the 52 postcodes in Vlieland. 8899AM is assigned to 2 streets of the total 43 streets which are using Vlieland. The postcode 8899AM is linked to the streets Dorpsstraat en Betzy Akerslootglop belonging to the postcode 8899AM in {%1).

8899AM is locaed in the neighbourhood Oost-Vlieland within the district Wijk 00. This neighbourhood has a total of 44 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 530 households with 1 025 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 8899AM is 0562.

province: Friesland
municipality: Vlieland
place: Vlieland
district: Wijk 00
neighbourhood: Oost-Vlieland
postcode number: 8899
area code: 0562

Stations and supermarkets 8899AM

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 8899AM.

stations 8899AM

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 8899AM.

station street postcode distance
Station Harlingen Haven Willemskade 5A 8861XB 40.59 km
Station Harlingen Haven Zuiderhaven 5A 8861XB 40.59 km
Station Harlingen Stationsweg 6B 8861GA 42.12 km
station Den Helder Middenweg 176 1782BL 50.82 km
station Den Helder Zuid Burgemeester Ritmeesterweg 15 1784NV 53.13 km

supermarkets 8899AM

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 8899AM.

station street postcode distance
Coop Dorpsstraat 108 8899AM 0.03 km
Coop Betzy Akerslootglop 108 8899AM 0.03 km
Spar Boomstraat 9 8881BS 17.93 km
Spar Verlengde Boomstraat 9 8881BS 17.93 km
Coop Oosterburen 2 8891GC 26.13 km
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