Postcode 1689XD in Zwaag

Searching for the streetname with postcode 1689XD? There is one street which uses the postcode 1689XD in Zwaag. 1689XD is a postcode in the place Zwaag within the municipality Hoorn in the province Friesland. 1689XD has the postcode number 1689 and is located in the neighbourhood Bangert en Oosterpolder - Buurt 35 04 within the district Wijk 35 Bangert en Oosterpolder.

The postcode 1689XD belongs to the street Meetketting and has the following housenumber range: 1 - 3.

Overview Streets postcode 1689XD

There is one street belonging to the postcode 1689XD in Zwaag.

street postcode house numbers
Meetketting 1689XD 1 to 3

More about the postcode 1689XD

1689XD is a postcode in the city Zwaag within the municipality Hoorn of the province Friesland. 1689XD is 1 of the 316 postcodes in Zwaag. 1689XD is assigned to 1 street of the total 124 streets that is using Zwaag. The postcode 1689XD is linked to the street Meetketting and has the house number range 1 - 3.

1689XD is locaed in the neighbourhood Bangert en Oosterpolder - Buurt 35 04 within the district Wijk 35 Bangert en Oosterpolder. This neighbourhood has a total of 16 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 235 households with 580 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 1689XD is 0229.

province: Friesland
municipality: Hoorn
place: Zwaag
district: Wijk 35 Bangert en Oosterpolder
neighbourhood: Bangert en Oosterpolder - Buurt 35 04
postcode number: 1689
area code: 0229

Stations and supermarkets 1689XD

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 1689XD.

stations 1689XD

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 1689XD.

station street postcode distance
Station Hoorn Kersenboogerd Rijnweg 10 1628PA 2.05 km
Station Hoorn Stationsplein 1 1621HX 5.23 km
Station Hoogkarspel Stationslaan 14 1616CM 10.15 km
Station Bovenkarspel-Grootebroek Stationslaan 49 1611KX 16.08 km
Station Bovenkarspel Flora Broekerhavenweg 79 1611CA 17.94 km

supermarkets 1689XD

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 1689XD.

station street postcode distance
Deen Gemma Frisiushof 100 1689XA 0.31 km
Deen Westerblokker 115 1695AC 1.28 km
Aldi Westerblokker 129 1695AD 1.51 km
Deen Dorpsstraat 200 1689GH 2.02 km
Deen Stan Kentonhof 88 1628TR 2.14 km
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