Postcode Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan in Arnhem

In search for the postcode of Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan in Arnhem. Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem in the province Gelderland. Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan has the postcode number 6824 and is located in the neighbourhood Molenbeke within the district Velperweg e.o..

Overview Postcodes Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan in Arnhem.

postcode street house numbers
6824AM Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan 1 t/m 13
6824AN Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan 2 t/m 34

More about Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan is a street in the place Arnhem within the municipality Arnhem of the province Gelderland. Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan is 1 of the 1 808 streets in Arnhem. Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan knows 2 postcodes of the total 4 376 postcodes that Arnhem has.

Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan is located in the neighbourhood Molenbeke within the district Velperweg e.o.. This neighbourhood has a total of 26 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 505 households with 1 095 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan is 026.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Arnhem
place: Arnhem
district: Velperweg e.o.
neighbourhood: Molenbeke
postcode number: 6824
area code: 026

Stations and supermarkets Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

stations Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Arnhem Velperpoort Ir J.P. van Muijlwijkstraat 1 6828BN 1.32 km
Station Arnhem Presikhaaf Eleonorastraat 1 6824EX 1.59 km
Station Arnhem Amsterdamseweg 210 6813GK 5.87 km
Station Velp Stationsplein 5 6881WC 5.91 km
Station Arnhem Zuid Metamorfosenallee 75 6843TZ 9.19 km

supermarkets Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Adolf van Nieuwenaarlaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Klarendalseweg 139 6822GG 0.81 km
Aldi Johan de Wittlaan 258 6828WS 0.89 km
Aldi Spijkerlaan 26 6828EC 1.13 km
Dekamarkt Vrij Nederlandstraat 37 6826AW 1.48 km
Albert Heijn Velperbuitensingel 4 6828CT 1.54 km
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