Searching for the streetname with postcode 6971AL? There are 2 streets using the postcode 6971AL in Brummen. 6971AL is a postcode in the place Brummen within the municipality Brummen in the province Gelderland. 6971AL has the postcode number 6971 and is located in the neighbourhood Koppelenburg within the district Wijk 03 Brummen.
The postcode 6971AL belongs to the streets Blake en Koppelenburgerweg belonging to the postcode 6971AL in Brummen
There are 2 streets belonging to the postcode 6971AL in Brummen.
street | postcode | house numbers |
Blake | 6971AL | 2 to 20 |
Koppelenburgerweg | 6971AL | 1 to 27 |
These are the postcodes and streets in the area of the postcode 6971AL
Postcodes near the postcode 6971AL in Brummen.
Streets in the immediate vicinity of the postcode 6971AL in Brummen.
6971AL is a postcode in the city Brummen within the municipality Brummen of the province Gelderland. 6971AL is 1 of the 281 postcodes in Brummen. 6971AL is assigned to 2 streets of the total 161 streets which are using Brummen. The postcode 6971AL is linked to the streets Blake en Koppelenburgerweg belonging to the postcode 6971AL in {%1).
6971AL is locaed in the neighbourhood Koppelenburg within the district Wijk 03 Brummen. This neighbourhood has a total of 6 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 185 households with 470 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 6971AL is 0575.
province: | Gelderland |
municipality: | Brummen |
place: | Brummen |
district: | Wijk 03 Brummen |
neighbourhood: | Koppelenburg |
postcode number: | 6971 |
area code: | 0575 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 6971AL.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 6971AL.
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Brummen | Stationsweg 1 | 6971BX | 1.31 km |
Station Dieren | Stationsplein 5 | 6953AA | 7.56 km |
Station Zutphen | Stationsplein 12 | 7201ML | 7.77 km |
Station Klarenbeek | Heideparkweg 3 | 7382BD | 12.64 km |
Station Klarenbeek | Hoofdweg 3 | 7382BD | 12.64 km |
These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 6971AL.
station | street | postcode | distance |
Dekamarkt | Zutphensestraat 3 | 6971EE | 0.33 km |
Aldi | Arnhemsestraat 50 | 6971AS | 0.46 km |
Jumbo | Ambachtstraat 38 | 6971BR | 0.47 km |
Spar | Kampweg 46 | 6971XE | 0.99 km |
Coop | Dorpsstraat 14 | 7221BP | 4.27 km |