postcode Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

What are the postcodes of the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven? On this page you will find postcode information about the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven in Zutphen. There are 5 neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

  • provinceGelderland
  • municipalityZutphen
  • placeZutphen
  • population density999 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants8 450 inhabitants
  • households4 465 households
  • neighbourhoods5 neighbourhoods
  • postcodes350 postcodes
  • streets184 streets
  • land846 km2 land
  • water55 km2 water

Postcode numbers of Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

These are all postcode numbers of Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven, see per postcode number the underlying postcodes. In total Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven 4 has postcode numbers.

Neighborhoods in Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

These are all neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven, see the corresponding postcodes and streets for each neighbourhood. Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven has a total of 5 neighbourhoods.

Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven postcodes and streets

The overview of postcodes and streets in the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

postcodes Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

Some postcodes of the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven. How many postcodes Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven has? Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven has 350 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you can find every postcode of the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

More about the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven is a district in the place Zutphen within the municipality Zutphen of the province Gelderland. The district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven has 350 postcodes with 184 streets and the district is divided into 5 neighbourhood(s)

Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven counts 4 465 households with 8 450 inhabitants. The households are consists out of 51% single households, 22% households with children and 27% households without children. Of the inhabitants in Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven, 2 789 are married, that is 33% of the inhabitants of Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Zutphen
place: Zutphen
district: Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven
postcode numbers: 7201, 7202, 7205, 7207,
area code: 0575

Stations and supermarkets Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

The overview of stations and supermarkets in Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven and surroundings.

stations Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

station street postcode distance
Station Zutphen Stationsplein 12 7201ML 1.69 km
Station Brummen Stationsweg 1 6971BX 7.15 km
Station Klarenbeek Heideparkweg 3 7382BD 10.15 km
Station Klarenbeek Hoofdweg 3 7382BD 10.15 km
Station Deventer Colmschate Titus Brandsmaplein 1 7423EM 12.22 km

supermarkets Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the district Wijk 00 Centrum - De Hoven.

supermarket street postcode distance
Attent Molenweg 1 7205BA 0.85 km
Albert Heijn XL Polsbroek 77 7201BX 2.75 km
Lidl Emmerikseweg 7 7204SB 2.91 km
Jumbo Ruys de Beerenbrouckstraat 14 7204MN 3.16 km
Albert Heijn De Brink 86 7206KC 3.2 km
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