postcode Vorden

What are the postcodes of Vorden? On this page you will find postcode information about Vorden and extensive geographical and demographic data. Vorden has 5 districts and 45 neighbourhoods. You can also view the postcode data of Vorden by neighbourhood and district.

  • provinceGelderland
  • municipalityBronckhorst
  • placeVorden
  • population density129 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants36 510 inhabitants
  • households15 320 households
  • neighbourhoods 45 neighbourhoods
  • postcodes301 postcodes
  • streets189 streets
  • districts 5 districts
  • land28 351 km2 land
  • water291 km2 water

Vorden postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of Vorden.

postcode numbers Vorden

These are all postcode numbers of Vorden, find the underlying postcodes per postcode number. In total Vorden has 2 postcode numbers.

more about Vorden

Vorden is a place in the municipality Bronckhorst in the province Gelderland. Vorden has 301 postcodes with 189 streets and Vorden is divided into 5 districts and 45 neighbourhoods. Vorden has a total surface area of 28 642 km2 of which 291 km2 consists of water and 28 351 km2 of land.

In Vorden there are in 15 320 households with 36 510 inhabitants. The households are for 27% single households, 36.0% are households with children and 37% are households without children. Of the inhabitants in Vorden, 16 795 are married, which is 46% of the population.

area code:0575
postcodes:301 postcodes
streets:189 streets
neighbourhoods:45 neighbourhoods
districts:5 districts

Neighbours and districts of Vorden

Overview of the neighbours and districts Vorden.

districts Vorden

Below you see a number of districts in Vorden, the complete overview with the districts of Vorden can be seen on the page district overview Vorden. In Vorden a total of 5 districts can be found.

All districts of Vorden
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