Postcode 7031DM in Wehl

Searching for the streetname with postcode 7031DM? There is one street which uses the postcode 7031DM in Wehl. 7031DM is a postcode in the place Wehl within the municipality Doetinchem in the province Gelderland. 7031DM has the postcode number 7031 and is located in the neighbourhood Wehl-Centrum within the district Wijk 31 Wehl.

The postcode 7031DM belongs to the street Spalhuisstraat and has the following housenumber range: 1 - 3.

Overview Streets postcode 7031DM

There is one street belonging to the postcode 7031DM in Wehl.

street postcode house numbers
Spalhuisstraat 7031DM 1 to 3

More about the postcode 7031DM

7031DM is a postcode in the city Wehl within the municipality Doetinchem of the province Gelderland. 7031DM is 1 of the 210 postcodes in Wehl. 7031DM is assigned to 1 street of the total 131 streets that is using Wehl. The postcode 7031DM is linked to the street Spalhuisstraat and has the house number range 1 - 3.

7031DM is locaed in the neighbourhood Wehl-Centrum within the district Wijk 31 Wehl. This neighbourhood has a total of 128 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 850 households with 4 315 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 7031DM is 0314.

province: Gelderland
municipality: Doetinchem
place: Wehl
district: Wijk 31 Wehl
neighbourhood: Wehl-Centrum
postcode number: 7031
area code: 0314

Stations and supermarkets 7031DM

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 7031DM.

stations 7031DM

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 7031DM.

station street postcode distance
Station Wehl Raphaƫlstraat 6 7031BA 1.02 km
Station Doetinchem Huet Jan Willinkstraat 2 7006NA 4.5 km
Station Doetinchem Stationsplein 8 7005AK 8.52 km
Station Doetinchem Stationsstraat 8 7005AK 8.52 km
Station Didam Stationslaan 2 6942EG 10.14 km

supermarkets 7031DM

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 7031DM.

station street postcode distance
Plus Stationsstraat 14 7031BP 0.62 km
Spar Koningin Wilhelminaplein 6 7031BH 0.96 km
Albert Heijn de Bongerd 63 7006NH 4.2 km
Coop Slotlaan 137 7006HC 4.22 km
Plus Willy Brandtplein 26 7007LB 5.12 km
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