Postcode Staringstraat in Oss

In search for the postcode of Staringstraat? There are 17 postcodes linked to the street Staringstraat in Oss. Staringstraat is a street in the place Oss within the municipality Oss in the province Groningen. Staringstraat has the postcode number 5343 and is located in the neighbourhood Vondellaan-Zuid within the district Ruwaard.

Overview Postcodes Staringstraat

There are 17 postcodes belonging to the street Staringstraat in Oss.

postcode street house numbers
5343GA Staringstraat 1 t/m 41
5343GB Staringstraat 43 t/m 85
5343GC Staringstraat 87 t/m 123
5343GD Staringstraat 125 t/m 167
5343GE Staringstraat 169 t/m 203
5343GG Staringstraat 205 t/m 253
5343GH Staringstraat 2 t/m 82
5343GJ Staringstraat 84 t/m 110
5343GK Staringstraat 112 t/m 178
5343GL Staringstraat 180 t/m 218
5343GM Staringstraat 220 t/m 298
5343GN Staringstraat 300 t/m 326
5343GP Staringstraat 328 t/m 354
5343GR Staringstraat 356 t/m 394
5343GS Staringstraat 396 t/m 438
5343GT Staringstraat 440 t/m 474
5343GV Staringstraat 476 t/m 498

More about Staringstraat

Staringstraat is a street in the place Oss within the municipality Oss of the province Groningen. Staringstraat is 1 of the 758 streets in Oss. Staringstraat knows 17 postcodes of the total 1 517 postcodes that Oss has.

Staringstraat is located in the neighbourhood Vondellaan-Zuid within the district Ruwaard. This neighbourhood has a total of 50 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 925 households with 2 175 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Staringstraat is 0412.

province: Groningen
municipality: Oss
place: Oss
district: Ruwaard
neighbourhood: Vondellaan-Zuid
postcode number: 5343
area code: 0412

Stations and supermarkets Staringstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Staringstraat

stations Staringstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Staringstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Oss West Braakstraat 139 5345WZ 1.29 km
Station Oss Spoorlaan 7 5348KA 2.52 km
Station Ravenstein Stationssingel 122 5371BB 14.65 km
Station Rosmalen Stationsplein 3 5241GN 16.56 km
Station Tiel Stationsplein 1 4001CP 18.48 km

supermarkets Staringstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Staringstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Nettorama Sterrebos 32 5344AM 0.46 km
Albert Heijn Sterrebos 2 5344AM 0.63 km
Aldi Schaepmanlaan 109 5344BC 1.59 km
C1000 Schoonstraat 8 5384AN 2.15 km
Aldi Nieuwstraat 9 5341GV 2.2 km
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