Postcode Kleinstraat in Berg en Terblijt

In search for the postcode of Kleinstraat? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Kleinstraat in Berg en Terblijt. Kleinstraat is a street in the place Berg en Terblijt within the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul in the province Limburg. Kleinstraat has the postcode number 6325 and is located in the neighbourhood Berg within the district Wijk 04: Berg en Terblijt - Vilt.

Overview Postcodes Kleinstraat

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Kleinstraat in Berg en Terblijt.

postcode street house numbers
6325CV Kleinstraat 1 t/m 25
6325CW Kleinstraat 2 t/m 34
6325CX Kleinstraat 36 t/m 52

More about Kleinstraat

Kleinstraat is a street in the place Berg en Terblijt within the municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul of the province Limburg. Kleinstraat is 1 of the 67 streets in Berg en Terblijt. Kleinstraat knows 3 postcodes of the total 114 postcodes that Berg en Terblijt has.

Kleinstraat is located in the neighbourhood Berg within the district Wijk 04: Berg en Terblijt - Vilt. This neighbourhood has a total of 80 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 350 households with 3 200 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Kleinstraat is 043.

province: Limburg
municipality: Valkenburg aan de Geul
place: Berg en Terblijt
district: Wijk 04: Berg en Terblijt - Vilt
neighbourhood: Berg
postcode number: 6325
area code: 043

Stations and supermarkets Kleinstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Kleinstraat

stations Kleinstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Kleinstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Houthem-St. Gerlach van Caldenborghsweg 4 6301JK 2.49 km
Station Meerssen Stationsplein 1 6231CN 3.66 km
Station Bunde Spoorstraat 41 6241CL 6.01 km
Station Valkenburg Stationsstraat 10 6301EZ 6.22 km
Station Maastricht Randwyck Joseph Bechlaan 100 6229GR 7.21 km

supermarkets Kleinstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Kleinstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Plus Valkenburgerstraat 25 6325BK 0.4 km
Jumbo Beekstraat 2 6231LG 3.4 km
Lidl Gasthuisstraat 7 6231JV 3.61 km
Aldi Kerkstraat 83 6267EC 4.03 km
Jumbo Rijksweg 27 6267AD 4.21 km
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