Postcode Past Erckensstraat in Elsloo

In search for the postcode of Past Erckensstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Past Erckensstraat in Elsloo. Past Erckensstraat is a street in the place Elsloo within the municipality Stein in the province Limburg. Past Erckensstraat has the postcode number 6181 and is located in the neighbourhood Meers within the district Wijk 01 Elsloo.

Overview Postcodes Past Erckensstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Past Erckensstraat in Elsloo.

postcode street house numbers
6181NC Past Erckensstraat 1 t/m 33
6181ND Past Erckensstraat 2 t/m 28

More about Past Erckensstraat

Past Erckensstraat is a street in the place Elsloo within the municipality Stein of the province Limburg. Past Erckensstraat is 1 of the 143 streets in Elsloo. Past Erckensstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 222 postcodes that Elsloo has.

Past Erckensstraat is located in the neighbourhood Meers within the district Wijk 01 Elsloo. This neighbourhood has a total of 29 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 395 households with 870 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Past Erckensstraat is 0516.

province: Limburg
municipality: Stein
place: Elsloo
district: Wijk 01 Elsloo
neighbourhood: Meers
postcode number: 6181
area code: 0516

Stations and supermarkets Past Erckensstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Past Erckensstraat

stations Past Erckensstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Past Erckensstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Beek-Elsloo Aan de Drie Heren 4 6191BH 4.98 km
Station Bunde Spoorstraat 41 6241CL 7.4 km
Station Meerssen Stationsplein 1 6231CN 9 km
Station Geleen-Lutterade Minister Ruysstraat 6 6162XK 9.09 km
Station Geleen Oost Stationstraat 20 6166CB 11.02 km

supermarkets Past Erckensstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Past Erckensstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Raadhuisplein 36 6171JC 2.47 km
Lidl Industrieweg 15 6171CN 2.76 km
Jan Linders Heerstraat Noord 19 6171CL 2.96 km
Jan Linders Industrieweg 19 6171CL 2.96 km
Albert Heijn Stationsstraat 110 6181AK 3.83 km
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