Postcode Pastoor Vullinghsstraat in Grashoek

In search for the postcode of Pastoor Vullinghsstraat? There are 3 postcodes linked to the street Pastoor Vullinghsstraat in Grashoek. Pastoor Vullinghsstraat is a street in the place Grashoek within the municipality Peel en Maas in the province Limburg. Pastoor Vullinghsstraat has the postcode number 5985 and is located in the neighbourhood Grashoek within the district Wijk 00 Grashoek-Koningslust.

Overview Postcodes Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

There are 3 postcodes belonging to the street Pastoor Vullinghsstraat in Grashoek.

postcode street house numbers
5985PG Pastoor Vullinghsstraat 3 t/m 35
5985PH Pastoor Vullinghsstraat 41 t/m 63
5985PJ Pastoor Vullinghsstraat 2 t/m 40

More about Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

Pastoor Vullinghsstraat is a street in the place Grashoek within the municipality Peel en Maas of the province Limburg. Pastoor Vullinghsstraat is 1 of the 35 streets in Grashoek. Pastoor Vullinghsstraat knows 3 postcodes of the total 48 postcodes that Grashoek has.

Pastoor Vullinghsstraat is located in the neighbourhood Grashoek within the district Wijk 00 Grashoek-Koningslust. This neighbourhood has a total of 32 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 510 households with 1 355 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Pastoor Vullinghsstraat is 077.

province: Limburg
municipality: Peel en Maas
place: Grashoek
district: Wijk 00 Grashoek-Koningslust
neighbourhood: Grashoek
postcode number: 5985
area code: 077

Stations and supermarkets Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

stations Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Pastoor Vullinghsstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Horst-Sevenum Stationsstraat 151 5963AA 13.2 km
Station Swalmen Stationsstraat 1 6071KA 17.12 km
Station Reuver Stationstraat 8 5953GX 17.35 km
Station Roermond Stationsplein 8 6041GN 19.59 km
Station Venray Stationsweg 100 5807AC 19.91 km

supermarkets Pastoor Vullinghsstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Pastoor Vullinghsstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
C1000 Kerkstraat 43 5981CD 5.22 km
Aldi Markt 33 5981AP 5.41 km
Lidl Past. Huijbenplein 19 5981BH 5.48 km
Albert Heijn Raadhuisplein 16 5981AT 5.53 km
Jan Linders Kepringelehof 3 5981CP 5.67 km
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