Postcode Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat in Hoensbroek

In search for the postcode of Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat in Hoensbroek. Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat is a street in the place Hoensbroek within the municipality Heerlen in the province Limburg. Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat has the postcode number 6431 and is located in the neighbourhood De Dem en omgeving within the district Wijk 12 Hoensbroek-De Dem.

Overview Postcodes Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat in Hoensbroek.

postcode street house numbers
6431VE Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat 1 t/m 53
6431VG Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat 2 t/m 44

More about Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat is a street in the place Hoensbroek within the municipality Heerlen of the province Limburg. Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat is 1 of the 260 streets in Hoensbroek. Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat knows 2 postcodes of the total 550 postcodes that Hoensbroek has.

Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat is located in the neighbourhood De Dem en omgeving within the district Wijk 12 Hoensbroek-De Dem. This neighbourhood has a total of 78 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 770 households with 3 500 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat is 045.

province: Limburg
municipality: Heerlen
place: Hoensbroek
district: Wijk 12 Hoensbroek-De Dem
neighbourhood: De Dem en omgeving
postcode number: 6431
area code: 045

Stations and supermarkets Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

stations Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Hoensbroek Verlengde Klinkertstraat 1 6433PL 2.72 km
Station Voerendaal Jeustraat 77 6367EV 4.46 km
Station Nuth Stationsplein 2 6361BG 5.37 km
Station Heerlen Stationsplein 1 6411NE 5.48 km
Station Schinnen Stationsstraat 20 6365CK 6.43 km

supermarkets Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Dr. Albert Schweitzerstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Prof. van 't Hoffstraat 11 6431VB 0.23 km
Albert Heijn Akerstraat-Noord 282 6431HW 0.31 km
Albert Heijn Kouvenderstraat 100 6431HH 1.02 km
Aldi Weustenraedtstraat 18 6431GV 1.23 km
Plus Gebrookerplein 22 6431LX 1.56 km
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