Postcode Edmond Jasparstraat in Maastricht

In search for the postcode of Edmond Jasparstraat? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Edmond Jasparstraat in Maastricht. Edmond Jasparstraat is a street in the place Maastricht within the municipality Maastricht in the province Limburg. Edmond Jasparstraat has the postcode number 6217 and is located in the neighbourhood Brusselsepoort within the district Wijk 02 Buitenwijk West.

Overview Postcodes Edmond Jasparstraat

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Edmond Jasparstraat in Maastricht.

postcode street house numbers
6217HN Edmond Jasparstraat 1 t/m 49
6217HP Edmond Jasparstraat 2 t/m 32
6217HR Edmond Jasparstraat 46 t/m 54
6217HS Edmond Jasparstraat 34 t/m 44

More about Edmond Jasparstraat

Edmond Jasparstraat is a street in the place Maastricht within the municipality Maastricht of the province Limburg. Edmond Jasparstraat is 1 of the 1 589 streets in Maastricht. Edmond Jasparstraat knows 4 postcodes of the total 3 112 postcodes that Maastricht has.

Edmond Jasparstraat is located in the neighbourhood Brusselsepoort within the district Wijk 02 Buitenwijk West. This neighbourhood has a total of 113 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 4 110 households with 5 845 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Edmond Jasparstraat is 043.

province: Limburg
municipality: Maastricht
place: Maastricht
district: Wijk 02 Buitenwijk West
neighbourhood: Brusselsepoort
postcode number: 6217
area code: 043

Stations and supermarkets Edmond Jasparstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Edmond Jasparstraat

stations Edmond Jasparstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Edmond Jasparstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Maastricht Stationsplein 27 6221BT 4.04 km
Station Maastricht Randwyck Joseph Bechlaan 100 6229GR 5.64 km
Station Bunde Spoorstraat 41 6241CL 8.77 km
Station Meerssen Stationsplein 1 6231CN 9.57 km
Station Eijsden Stationsplein 9 6245AE 10.14 km

supermarkets Edmond Jasparstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Edmond Jasparstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Brusselsepoort 19 6216CE 0.55 km
Albert Heijn XL Brusselsepoort 45 6216CG 0.61 km
Albert Heijn XL Dousbergweg 45 6216CG 0.61 km
Plus Clavecymbelstraat 31 6217CR 0.64 km
Aldi Volksplein 34 6214AM 1 km
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