Postcode 6002NA in Weert

Searching for the streetname with postcode 6002NA? There is one street which uses the postcode 6002NA in Weert. 6002NA is a postcode in the place Weert within the municipality Weert in the province Limburg. 6002NA has the postcode number 6002 and is located in the neighbourhood Boshoven buitengebied within the district Wijk 01 Boshoven.

The postcode 6002NA belongs to the street Groothulsterweg and has the following housenumber range: 10 - 10.

Overview Streets postcode 6002NA

There is one street belonging to the postcode 6002NA in Weert.

street postcode house numbers
Groothulsterweg 6002NA 10 to 10

More about the postcode 6002NA

6002NA is a postcode in the city Weert within the municipality Weert of the province Limburg. 6002NA is 1 of the 1 225 postcodes in Weert. 6002NA is assigned to 1 street of the total 811 streets that is using Weert. The postcode 6002NA is linked to the street Groothulsterweg and has the house number range 10 - 10.

6002NA is locaed in the neighbourhood Boshoven buitengebied within the district Wijk 01 Boshoven. This neighbourhood has a total of 10 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 65 households with 135 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 6002NA is 0495.

province: Limburg
municipality: Weert
place: Weert
district: Wijk 01 Boshoven
neighbourhood: Boshoven buitengebied
postcode number: 6002
area code: 0495

Stations and supermarkets 6002NA

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 6002NA.

stations 6002NA

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 6002NA.

station street postcode distance
Station Weert Stationsplein 21 6001CH 4.4 km
Station Heeze de Laarstukken 3 5591EZ 17.3 km
Station Geldrop Parallelweg 4 5664AC 21.25 km
Station Helmond 't Hout Mr. Stikkerplein 1 5707KX 22.87 km
Station Helmond Brouwhuis Deltaweg 6 5709AC 23.03 km

supermarkets 6002NA

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 6002NA.

station street postcode distance
Jumbo Boshoverweg 59 6002AM 1.85 km
Albert Heijn Muntpassage 49 6001GL 4.08 km
Jumbo Collegeplein 11 6001HN 4.1 km
Albert Heijn Dries 10 6006HS 4.13 km
Aldi Boermansstraat 60 6001CG 4.35 km
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