Postcode Roeselarestraat in Breda

In search for the postcode of Roeselarestraat? There are 18 postcodes linked to the street Roeselarestraat in Breda. Roeselarestraat is a street in the place Breda within the municipality Breda in the province Noord-Brabant. Roeselarestraat has the postcode number 4826 and is located in the neighbourhood Biesdonk within the district Breda Noord.

Overview Postcodes Roeselarestraat

There are 18 postcodes belonging to the street Roeselarestraat in Breda.

postcode street house numbers
4826JA Roeselarestraat 1 t/m 99
4826JB Roeselarestraat 101 t/m 151
4826JC Roeselarestraat 153 t/m 187
4826JD Roeselarestraat 189 t/m 235
4826JE Roeselarestraat 237 t/m 267
4826JG Roeselarestraat 2 t/m 48
4826JH Roeselarestraat 50 t/m 98
4826JJ Roeselarestraat 100 t/m 148
4826JK Roeselarestraat 150 t/m 198
4826JL Roeselarestraat 200 t/m 248
4826JM Roeselarestraat 250 t/m 298
4826JN Roeselarestraat 300 t/m 348
4826JP Roeselarestraat 350 t/m 398
4826JR Roeselarestraat 400 t/m 448
4826JS Roeselarestraat 450 t/m 498
4826JT Roeselarestraat 500 t/m 548
4826JV Roeselarestraat 550 t/m 600
4826JW Roeselarestraat 602 t/m 642

More about Roeselarestraat

Roeselarestraat is a street in the place Breda within the municipality Breda of the province Noord-Brabant. Roeselarestraat is 1 of the 1 573 streets in Breda. Roeselarestraat knows 18 postcodes of the total 3 303 postcodes that Breda has.

Roeselarestraat is located in the neighbourhood Biesdonk within the district Breda Noord. This neighbourhood has a total of 109 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 370 households with 4 970 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Roeselarestraat is 076.

province: Noord-Brabant
municipality: Breda
place: Breda
district: Breda Noord
neighbourhood: Biesdonk
postcode number: 4826
area code: 076

Stations and supermarkets Roeselarestraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Roeselarestraat

stations Roeselarestraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Roeselarestraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Breda Stationsplein 16 4811BB 1.69 km
Station Gilze-Rijen Stationsplein 1 5121EA 15.51 km
Station Etten-Leur Stationsplein 1 4872XL 17.1 km
Station Zevenbergen Stationslaan 1 4761BG 20.01 km
Station Tilburg Reeshof Ketelhavenplein 1 5045NE 23.33 km

supermarkets Roeselarestraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Roeselarestraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Aldi Brusselstraat 10 4826NJ 0.24 km
EMTE Moerwijk 23 4826HN 0.33 km
Albert Heijn XL Moerwijk 2 4826HN 0.34 km
Aldi Charleroistraat 172 4826LP 0.59 km
Jumbo Baliƫndijk 20 4816GD 1.24 km
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