Postcode Sint Willibrordusstraat in Amsterdam

In search for the postcode of Sint Willibrordusstraat? There are 9 postcodes linked to the street Sint Willibrordusstraat in Amsterdam. Sint Willibrordusstraat is a street in the place Amsterdam within the municipality Amsterdam in the province Noord-Holland. Sint Willibrordusstraat has the postcode number 1073 and is located in the neighbourhood Van der Helstpleinbuurt within the district Nieuwe Pijp.

Overview Postcodes Sint Willibrordusstraat

There are 9 postcodes belonging to the street Sint Willibrordusstraat in Amsterdam.

Postcodes and streets at Sint Willibrordusstraat in Amsterdam

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Sint Willibrordusstraat.

More about Sint Willibrordusstraat

Sint Willibrordusstraat is a street in the place Amsterdam within the municipality Amsterdam of the province Noord-Holland. Sint Willibrordusstraat is 1 of the 4 662 streets in Amsterdam. Sint Willibrordusstraat knows 9 postcodes of the total 19 004 postcodes that Amsterdam has.

Sint Willibrordusstraat is located in the neighbourhood Van der Helstpleinbuurt within the district Nieuwe Pijp. This neighbourhood has a total of 72 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 500 households with 3 835 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Sint Willibrordusstraat is 020.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Amsterdam
place: Amsterdam
district: Nieuwe Pijp
neighbourhood: Van der Helstpleinbuurt
postcode number: 1073
area code: 020

Stations and supermarkets Sint Willibrordusstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Sint Willibrordusstraat

stations Sint Willibrordusstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Sint Willibrordusstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Amsterdam Amstel Julianaplein 1 1097DN 2.12 km
Station Amsterdam RAI Europaboulevard 10 1083AD 2.62 km
Station Amsterdam Centraal Stationsplein 15 1012AB 2.72 km
Station Amsterdam Muiderpoort Oosterspoorplein 1 1093JW 3.44 km
Station Amsterdam Zuid WTC Zuidplein 10 1077XV 3.51 km

supermarkets Sint Willibrordusstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Sint Willibrordusstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Van Woustraat 150 1073LV 0.22 km
Lidl Hemonylaan 25 1074BJ 0.41 km
Albert Heijn Stadhouderskade 101 1073AW 0.64 km
Albert Heijn Frederiksplein 1 1017XK 0.81 km
Albert Heijn Rijnstraat 33 1078PW 0.84 km
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