Postcode Batavierenplantsoen in Haarlem

In search for the postcode of Batavierenplantsoen? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Batavierenplantsoen in Haarlem. Batavierenplantsoen is a street in the place Haarlem within the municipality Haarlem in the province Noord-Holland. Batavierenplantsoen has the postcode number 2025 and is located in the neighbourhood Meeuwenbuurt within the district Vogelenwijk.

Overview Postcodes Batavierenplantsoen

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Batavierenplantsoen in Haarlem.

postcode street house numbers
2025CJ Batavierenplantsoen 1 t/m 49
2025CK Batavierenplantsoen 2 t/m 50

More about Batavierenplantsoen

Batavierenplantsoen is a street in the place Haarlem within the municipality Haarlem of the province Noord-Holland. Batavierenplantsoen is 1 of the 1 585 streets in Haarlem. Batavierenplantsoen knows 2 postcodes of the total 4 170 postcodes that Haarlem has.

Batavierenplantsoen is located in the neighbourhood Meeuwenbuurt within the district Vogelenwijk. This neighbourhood has a total of 31 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 500 households with 1 220 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Batavierenplantsoen is 023.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Haarlem
place: Haarlem
district: Vogelenwijk
neighbourhood: Meeuwenbuurt
postcode number: 2025
area code: 023

Stations and supermarkets Batavierenplantsoen

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Batavierenplantsoen

stations Batavierenplantsoen

Below you see the stations which are near the street Batavierenplantsoen with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Santpoort Zuid Willem de Zwijgerlaan 61 2082BB 2.8 km
Station Bloemendaal Zuider Stationsweg 18 2061HE 3.03 km
Station Haarlem Stationsplein 1 2011LR 3.05 km
Station Haarlem Spaarnwoude Woudplein 4 2031CZ 3.45 km
Station Santpoort Noord Santpoortse Dreef 1 2071TP 3.61 km

supermarkets Batavierenplantsoen

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Batavierenplantsoen.

supermarket street postcode distance
Dekamarkt Rijksstraatweg 283 2024DH 0.46 km
Dekamarkt Eksterlaan 69 2026XB 0.76 km
Plus Rijksstraatweg 517 2025DE 1.07 km
Albert Heijn Marsmanplein 222 2025DV 1.18 km
Dekamarkt Rijksstraatweg 40 2022DB 1.28 km
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