Postcode 8896KG in Hoorn (Terschelling)

Searching for the streetname with postcode 8896KG? There is one street which uses the postcode 8896KG in Hoorn (Terschelling). 8896KG is a postcode in the place Hoorn (Terschelling) within the municipality Terschelling in the province Noord-Holland. 8896KG has the postcode number 8896 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Hoorn-Zuid within the district Wijk 04 Hoorn.

The postcode 8896KG belongs to the street Boddelenweg and has the following housenumber range: 3 - 5.

Overview Streets postcode 8896KG

There is one street belonging to the postcode 8896KG in Hoorn (Terschelling).

street postcode house numbers
Boddelenweg 8896KG 3 to 5

Postcodes and streets near 8896KG in Hoorn (Terschelling)

These are the postcodes and streets in the area of the postcode 8896KG

More about the postcode 8896KG

8896KG is a postcode in the city Hoorn (Terschelling) within the municipality Terschelling of the province Noord-Holland. 8896KG is 1 of the 24 postcodes in Hoorn (Terschelling). 8896KG is assigned to 1 street of the total 16 streets that is using Hoorn (Terschelling). The postcode 8896KG is linked to the street Boddelenweg and has the house number range 3 - 5.

8896KG is locaed in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Hoorn-Zuid within the district Wijk 04 Hoorn. This neighbourhood has a total of 9 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 20 households with 45 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 8896KG is 0562.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Terschelling
place: Hoorn (Terschelling)
district: Wijk 04 Hoorn
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen Hoorn-Zuid
postcode number: 8896
area code: 0562

Stations and supermarkets 8896KG

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 8896KG.

stations 8896KG

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 8896KG.

station street postcode distance
Station Harlingen Haven Willemskade 5A 8861XB 25.69 km
Station Harlingen Stationsweg 6B 8861GA 26.52 km
Station Franeker Anna Maria van Schurmansingel 59 8801JR 32.3 km
Station Dronrijp Hatzum 5 9035VK 39.74 km
Station Deinum Spoorstrjitte 12B 9033WJ 47.39 km

supermarkets 8896KG

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 8896KG.

station street postcode distance
Spar Lies 15 8895KP 3.35 km
Jumbo Formerum 16 8894KE 5.37 km
Coop Oosterburen 2 8891GC 7.74 km
Spar Boomstraat 9 8881BS 15.95 km
Coop Nije Buorren 6 8855CG 24.72 km
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