Postcode Oranje Nassauplein in Huizen

In search for the postcode of Oranje Nassauplein? There are 7 postcodes linked to the street Oranje Nassauplein in Huizen. Oranje Nassauplein is a street in the place Huizen within the municipality Huizen in the province Noord-Holland. Oranje Nassauplein has the postcode number 1272 and is located in the neighbourhood Zuidereng within the district Wijk 04 Staatslieden en Componistenbuurt.

Overview Postcodes Oranje Nassauplein

There are 7 postcodes belonging to the street Oranje Nassauplein in Huizen.

postcode street house numbers
1272KR Oranje Nassauplein 1 t/m 30
1272KS Oranje Nassauplein 31 t/m 72
1272KT Oranje Nassauplein 73 t/m 99
1272KV Oranje Nassauplein 100 t/m 100
1272KW Oranje Nassauplein 101 t/m 116
1272KX Oranje Nassauplein 118 t/m 159
1272KZ Oranje Nassauplein 160 t/m 203

More about Oranje Nassauplein

Oranje Nassauplein is a street in the place Huizen within the municipality Huizen of the province Noord-Holland. Oranje Nassauplein is 1 of the 546 streets in Huizen. Oranje Nassauplein knows 7 postcodes of the total 1 324 postcodes that Huizen has.

Oranje Nassauplein is located in the neighbourhood Zuidereng within the district Wijk 04 Staatslieden en Componistenbuurt. This neighbourhood has a total of 65 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 870 households with 2 105 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Oranje Nassauplein is 035.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Huizen
place: Huizen
district: Wijk 04 Staatslieden en Componistenbuurt
neighbourhood: Zuidereng
postcode number: 1272
area code: 035

Stations and supermarkets Oranje Nassauplein

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Oranje Nassauplein

stations Oranje Nassauplein

Below you see the stations which are near the street Oranje Nassauplein with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Bussum Zuid Struikheiweg 5 1406TK 8.58 km
Station Naarden-Bussum Stationsweg 3 1404AN 8.69 km
Station Hilversum Noord Noorderweg 82 1221AB 9.29 km
Station Almere Parkwijk Onder de berken 1 1326AE 9.34 km
Station Almere Centrum Stationsplein 27 1315KT 9.4 km

supermarkets Oranje Nassauplein

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Oranje Nassauplein.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Lindenlaan 10 1271BA 0.58 km
Troefmarkt Koningin Julianastraat 37 1271SK 0.93 km
Coop Phohistraat 10 1276EH 1.15 km
Lidl Huizermaatweg 45 1273NA 1.9 km
Jumbo Kostmand 2 1276CJ 2.13 km
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