What are the postcodes of the district Wijk 00 Edam? On this page you will find postcode information about the district Wijk 00 Edam in Edam. There are 6 neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 00 Edam.
These are all postcode numbers of Wijk 00 Edam, see per postcode number the underlying postcodes. In total Wijk 00 Edam 1 has postcode number.
These are all neighbourhoods in the district Wijk 00 Edam, see the corresponding postcodes and streets for each neighbourhood. Wijk 00 Edam has a total of 6 neighbourhoods.
The overview of postcodes and streets in the district Wijk 00 Edam
Some postcodes of the district Wijk 00 Edam. How many postcodes Wijk 00 Edam has? Wijk 00 Edam has 230 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you can find every postcode of the district Wijk 00 Edam.
How many streets does Wijk 00 Edam have? Wijk 00 Edam has 133 streets. Below are a number of streets of the district Wijk 00 Edam.
Wijk 00 Edam is a district in the place Edam within the municipality Edam-Volendam of the province Noord-Holland. The district Wijk 00 Edam has 230 postcodes with 133 streets and the district is divided into 6 neighbourhood(s)
Wijk 00 Edam counts 3 070 households with 7 010 inhabitants. The households are consists out of 32% single households, 36% households with children and 32% households without children. Of the inhabitants in Wijk 00 Edam, 3 014 are married, that is 43% of the inhabitants of Wijk 00 Edam.
province: | Noord-Holland |
municipality: | Edam-Volendam |
place: | Edam |
district: | Wijk 00 Edam |
postcode numbers: | 1135, |
area code: | 0299 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets in Wijk 00 Edam and surroundings.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Wijk 00 Edam.
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Purmerend Overwhere | Dr. J.M. den Uyllaan 18 | 1442VS | 10.2 km |
Station Purmerend | Stationsweg 1 | 1441EJ | 11.49 km |
Station Purmerend Weidevenne | Abel Tasmanplein 54 | 1448NL | 13.58 km |
Station Hoorn | Stationsplein 1 | 1621HX | 14.49 km |
Station Hoorn Kersenboogerd | Rijnweg 10 | 1628PA | 15.88 km |
These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the district Wijk 00 Edam.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
Deen | Langemeerstraat 2 | 1135JE | 0.83 km |
Deen | De Stient 4 | 1132BE | 1.92 km |
Vomar | Wieringenlaan 1 | 1132MB | 1.92 km |
Deen | Burgemeester van Baarstraat 38 | 1131WV | 2.24 km |
Dirk | Hyacintenstraat 14 | 1131HW | 2.42 km |