Postcode Kostverlorenstraat in Weesp

In search for the postcode of Kostverlorenstraat? There are 5 postcodes linked to the street Kostverlorenstraat in Weesp. Kostverlorenstraat is a street in the place Weesp within the municipality Weesp in the province Noord-Holland. Kostverlorenstraat has the postcode number 1382 and is located in the neighbourhood Hogewey Midden within the district Hogewey.

Overview Postcodes Kostverlorenstraat

There are 5 postcodes belonging to the street Kostverlorenstraat in Weesp.

postcode street house numbers
1382AX Kostverlorenstraat 101 t/m 101
1382BH Kostverlorenstraat 913 t/m 969
1382BK Kostverlorenstraat 34 t/m 64
1382DC Kostverlorenstraat 897 t/m 911
1382DD Kostverlorenstraat 853 t/m 895

More about Kostverlorenstraat

Kostverlorenstraat is a street in the place Weesp within the municipality Weesp of the province Noord-Holland. Kostverlorenstraat is 1 of the 232 streets in Weesp. Kostverlorenstraat knows 5 postcodes of the total 606 postcodes that Weesp has.

Kostverlorenstraat is located in the neighbourhood Hogewey Midden within the district Hogewey. This neighbourhood has a total of 52 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 900 households with 1 795 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Kostverlorenstraat is 0294.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Weesp
place: Weesp
district: Hogewey
neighbourhood: Hogewey Midden
postcode number: 1382
area code: 0294

Stations and supermarkets Kostverlorenstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Kostverlorenstraat

stations Kostverlorenstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Kostverlorenstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Weesp Stationsplein 1 1382AD 1.17 km
Station Abcoude Stationsplein 4 1391GS 7.2 km
Station Diemen Dr. A.J.J. van Gemertplein 1 1111LZ 8.38 km
Station Amsterdam Holendrecht Meibergdreef 3 1105AZ 8.61 km
Station Diemen Zuid Diemerdreef 1 1112CK 9.08 km

supermarkets Kostverlorenstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Kostverlorenstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Amstellandlaan 20 1382CE 0.02 km
Deen Amstellandlaan 32 1382CE 0.17 km
Albert Heijn Achtergracht 70 1381BP 0.82 km
Spar Mr.C.Kooimancentrum 19 1383ED 1.66 km
Albert Heijn XL Pampusweg 13 1398PT 3.03 km
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