Postcode 2042XW in Zandvoort

Searching for the streetname with postcode 2042XW? There is one street which uses the postcode 2042XW in Zandvoort. 2042XW is a postcode in the place Zandvoort within the municipality Zandvoort in the province Noord-Holland. 2042XW has the postcode number 2042 and is located in the neighbourhood Zandvoortselaan within the district Zandvoort Zuid.

The postcode 2042XW belongs to the street Herman Heijermansweg and has the following housenumber range: 137 - 189.

Overview Streets postcode 2042XW

There is one street belonging to the postcode 2042XW in Zandvoort.

street postcode house numbers
Herman Heijermansweg 2042XW 137 to 189

More about the postcode 2042XW

2042XW is a postcode in the city Zandvoort within the municipality Zandvoort of the province Noord-Holland. 2042XW is 1 of the 488 postcodes in Zandvoort. 2042XW is assigned to 1 street of the total 201 streets that is using Zandvoort. The postcode 2042XW is linked to the street Herman Heijermansweg and has the house number range 137 - 189.

2042XW is locaed in the neighbourhood Zandvoortselaan within the district Zandvoort Zuid. This neighbourhood has a total of 12 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 170 households with 565 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the postcode 2042XW is 023.

province: Noord-Holland
municipality: Zandvoort
place: Zandvoort
district: Zandvoort Zuid
neighbourhood: Zandvoortselaan
postcode number: 2042
area code: 023

Stations and supermarkets 2042XW

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the postcode 2042XW.

stations 2042XW

These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found in the vicinity of the postcode 2042XW.

station street postcode distance
Station Zandvoort aan Zee Stationsplein 6 2041AB 1.71 km
Station Heemstede-Aerdenhout Zandvoortselaan 153 2106AM 6.99 km
Station Overveen Tetterodeweg 2 2051EE 7.47 km
Station Hillegom 2e Loosterweg 2A 2182CJ 7.73 km
Station Bloemendaal Zuider Stationsweg 18 2061HE 10.04 km

supermarkets 2042XW

These are the 5 supermarkets closest to the postcode 2042XW.

station street postcode distance
Vomar Celsiusstraat 192 2041TR 1.2 km
Albert Heijn Grote Krocht 9 2042LT 1.55 km
Dekamarkt Oranjestraat 4 2042GS 1.66 km
Dirk Burg Engelbertsstr 21 2042KM 1.96 km
Coop Deken Zondaglaan 55 2114EB 6.42 km
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