Postcode Dr. Poelsstraat in Oldenzaal

In search for the postcode of Dr. Poelsstraat? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Dr. Poelsstraat in Oldenzaal. Dr. Poelsstraat is a street in the place Oldenzaal within the municipality Oldenzaal in the province Overijssel. Dr. Poelsstraat has the postcode number 7572 and is located in the neighbourhood Glinde-Hooiland within the district Wijk 03 Glinde-Hooiland.

Overview Postcodes Dr. Poelsstraat

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Dr. Poelsstraat in Oldenzaal.

postcode street house numbers
7572ZS Dr. Poelsstraat 46 t/m 84
7572ZT Dr. Poelsstraat 2 t/m 44
7572ZV Dr. Poelsstraat 43 t/m 83
7572ZW Dr. Poelsstraat 1 t/m 41

More about Dr. Poelsstraat

Dr. Poelsstraat is a street in the place Oldenzaal within the municipality Oldenzaal of the province Overijssel. Dr. Poelsstraat is 1 of the 487 streets in Oldenzaal. Dr. Poelsstraat knows 4 postcodes of the total 976 postcodes that Oldenzaal has.

Dr. Poelsstraat is located in the neighbourhood Glinde-Hooiland within the district Wijk 03 Glinde-Hooiland. This neighbourhood has a total of 102 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 765 households with 3 795 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Dr. Poelsstraat is 074.

province: Overijssel
municipality: Oldenzaal
place: Oldenzaal
district: Wijk 03 Glinde-Hooiland
neighbourhood: Glinde-Hooiland
postcode number: 7572
area code: 074

Stations and supermarkets Dr. Poelsstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Dr. Poelsstraat

stations Dr. Poelsstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Dr. Poelsstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Oldenzaal Stationsplein 12 7573AV 1.49 km
Station Enschede de Eschmarke Lenteweg 24 7532RB 10.89 km
Station Enschede de Eschmarke Zomerweg 24 7532RB 10.89 km
Station Enschede de Eschmarke Telgendijk 24 7532RB 10.89 km
Station Enschede Stationsplein 33 7511JD 11.52 km

supermarkets Dr. Poelsstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Dr. Poelsstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
C1000 Deken Scholtenstraat 38 7572ZA 0.25 km
Sanders Kloosterland 2 7577DP 0.54 km
Jumbo Nagelstraat 14 7571AJ 0.56 km
Lidl Molenstraat 1618 7571CN 0.64 km
Albert Heijn In den Vijfhoek 1 7571DT 0.65 km
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