Postcode Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge

In search for the postcode of Groeneveldweg? There is one postcode linked to the street Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge. Groeneveldweg is a street in the place Venebrugge within the municipality Hardenberg in the province Overijssel. Groeneveldweg has the postcode number 7792 and is located in the neighbourhood Venebrugge within the district Venebrugge.

Overview Postcodes Groeneveldweg

There is one postcode belonging to the street Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge.

postcode street house numbers
7792VK Groeneveldweg 1 t/m 3

Postcodes and streets at Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Groeneveldweg.

Postcodes at Groeneveldweg

Postcodes in the vicinity of the street Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge.

Streets at Groeneveldweg

Streets near the street Groeneveldweg in Venebrugge.

More about Groeneveldweg

Groeneveldweg is a street in the place Venebrugge within the municipality Hardenberg of the province Overijssel. Groeneveldweg is 1 of the 8 streets in Venebrugge. Groeneveldweg has 1 postcode of the total 9 postcodes that Venebrugge knows.

Groeneveldweg is located in the neighbourhood Venebrugge within the district Venebrugge. This neighbourhood has a total of 9 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 35 households with 115 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Groeneveldweg is 0523.

province: Overijssel
municipality: Hardenberg
place: Venebrugge
district: Venebrugge
neighbourhood: Venebrugge
postcode number: 7792
area code: 0523

Stations and supermarkets Groeneveldweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Groeneveldweg

stations Groeneveldweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Groeneveldweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Gramsbergen De Oostermaat 65 7783BW 6.74 km
Station Hardenberg Stationsstraat 28 7772CJ 7.95 km
Station Hardenberg Drs. G. Jonkerlaan 28 7772CJ 7.95 km
Station Coevorden Stationsplein 1 7741GZ 13 km
Station Marienberg Stationsweg 2 7692AC 14.47 km

supermarkets Groeneveldweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Groeneveldweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Troefmarkt Broekdijk 47 7695TC 4.55 km
C1000 Floralaan 46 7772LL 6.45 km
Plus De Oostermaat 60 7783BX 6.81 km
Plus Dr. Albert Schweitzerplein 5 7772ED 7.17 km
Aldi Bruchterweg 9 7772BH 8.59 km
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