Postcode Buckhorstlaan in Zwolle

In search for the postcode of Buckhorstlaan? There are 2 postcodes linked to the street Buckhorstlaan in Zwolle. Buckhorstlaan is a street in the place Zwolle within the municipality Zwolle in the province Overijssel. Buckhorstlaan has the postcode number 8043 and is located in the neighbourhood Werkeren within the district Wijk 22 Stadshagen.

Overview Postcodes Buckhorstlaan

There are 2 postcodes belonging to the street Buckhorstlaan in Zwolle.

postcode street house numbers
8043RK Buckhorstlaan 1 t/m 67
8043RL Buckhorstlaan 2 t/m 64

More about Buckhorstlaan

Buckhorstlaan is a street in the place Zwolle within the municipality Zwolle of the province Overijssel. Buckhorstlaan is 1 of the 1 503 streets in Zwolle. Buckhorstlaan knows 2 postcodes of the total 3 399 postcodes that Zwolle has.

Buckhorstlaan is located in the neighbourhood Werkeren within the district Wijk 22 Stadshagen. This neighbourhood has a total of 56 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 350 households with 4 400 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Buckhorstlaan is 038.

province: Overijssel
municipality: Zwolle
place: Zwolle
district: Wijk 22 Stadshagen
neighbourhood: Werkeren
postcode number: 8043
area code: 038

Stations and supermarkets Buckhorstlaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Buckhorstlaan

stations Buckhorstlaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Buckhorstlaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Zwolle Stationsplein 16 8011CW 5.73 km
Station Wezep Stationsweg 105 8091AC 10 km
Station Kampen Stationsplein 1 8267AB 14.26 km
Station Wijhe Stationsweg 2 8131DH 18.68 km
Station Harde 't Eperweg 123 8084HD 22.08 km

supermarkets Buckhorstlaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Buckhorstlaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Uiterwaard 102 8043LS 0.94 km
Jumbo Wade 102 8043LS 0.94 km
Albert Heijn Uiterwaard 10 8043LS 1.06 km
Albert Heijn Wade 10 8043LS 1.06 km
Jumbo Petuniaplein 23 8042AV 1.17 km
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