Postcode Koenestraat in Amerongen

In search for the postcode of Koenestraat? There are 5 postcodes linked to the street Koenestraat in Amerongen. Koenestraat is a street in the place Amerongen within the municipality Utrechtse Heuvelrug in the province Utrecht. Koenestraat has the postcode number 3958 and is located in the neighbourhood Amerongen within the district Wijk 03 Amerongen.

Overview Postcodes Koenestraat

There are 5 postcodes belonging to the street Koenestraat in Amerongen.

postcode street house numbers
3958XB Koenestraat 128 t/m 128
3958XD Koenestraat 1 t/m 43
3958XE Koenestraat 45 t/m 99
3958XG Koenestraat 2 t/m 26
3958XH Koenestraat 28 t/m 126

More about Koenestraat

Koenestraat is a street in the place Amerongen within the municipality Utrechtse Heuvelrug of the province Utrecht. Koenestraat is 1 of the 89 streets in Amerongen. Koenestraat knows 5 postcodes of the total 151 postcodes that Amerongen has.

Koenestraat is located in the neighbourhood Amerongen within the district Wijk 03 Amerongen. This neighbourhood has a total of 137 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 2 185 households with 5 085 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Koenestraat is 0343.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Utrechtse Heuvelrug
place: Amerongen
district: Wijk 03 Amerongen
neighbourhood: Amerongen
postcode number: 3958
area code: 0343

Stations and supermarkets Koenestraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Koenestraat

stations Koenestraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Koenestraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Veenendaal West Het Overslag 32 3906AC 7.76 km
Station Veenendaal Centrum Stationsplein 6 3901ES 9.48 km
Station Maarn Tuindorpweg 57A 3951BE 12.34 km
Station Veenendaal-de Klomp Stationsweg 15 6745XM 12.88 km
Station Rhenen Stationsplein 1 3911BK 13.68 km

supermarkets Koenestraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Koenestraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Koenestraat 36 3958XH 0.6 km
Albert Heijn Honingraat 57 3956HH 3.67 km
MCD Veerweg 14 4024BP 4.16 km
C1000 Schoolweg 2 3921CE 4.17 km
Jumbo Raadhuisstraat 54 4021EJ 6.97 km
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