Postcode Nieuw Nijenrode in Breukelen

In search for the postcode of Nieuw Nijenrode? There are 16 postcodes linked to the street Nieuw Nijenrode in Breukelen. Nieuw Nijenrode is a street in the place Breukelen within the municipality Stichtse Vecht in the province Utrecht. Nieuw Nijenrode has the postcode number 3621 and is located in the neighbourhood Landgoed Nijenrode within the district Wijk 02 Breukelen.

Overview Postcodes Nieuw Nijenrode

There are 16 postcodes belonging to the street Nieuw Nijenrode in Breukelen.

postcode street house numbers
3621MA Nieuw Nijenrode 1 t/m 21
3621MB Nieuw Nijenrode 22 t/m 38
3621MC Nieuw Nijenrode 39 t/m 55
3621MD Nieuw Nijenrode 56 t/m 70
3621ME Nieuw Nijenrode 71 t/m 84
3621MG Nieuw Nijenrode 85 t/m 95
3621MH Nieuw Nijenrode 96 t/m 109
3621MJ Nieuw Nijenrode 110 t/m 127
3621MK Nieuw Nijenrode 128 t/m 141
3621ML Nieuw Nijenrode 142 t/m 155
3621MN Nieuw Nijenrode 156 t/m 169
3621MP Nieuw Nijenrode 170 t/m 199
3621MR Nieuw Nijenrode 200 t/m 222
3621MS Nieuw Nijenrode 223 t/m 250
3621MT Nieuw Nijenrode 251 t/m 280
3621MV Nieuw Nijenrode 281 t/m 303

More about Nieuw Nijenrode

Nieuw Nijenrode is a street in the place Breukelen within the municipality Stichtse Vecht of the province Utrecht. Nieuw Nijenrode is 1 of the 136 streets in Breukelen. Nieuw Nijenrode knows 16 postcodes of the total 303 postcodes that Breukelen has.

Nieuw Nijenrode is located in the neighbourhood Landgoed Nijenrode within the district Wijk 02 Breukelen. This neighbourhood has a total of 18 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 230 households with 260 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Nieuw Nijenrode is 0346.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Stichtse Vecht
place: Breukelen
district: Wijk 02 Breukelen
neighbourhood: Landgoed Nijenrode
postcode number: 3621
area code: 0346

Stations and supermarkets Nieuw Nijenrode

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Nieuw Nijenrode

stations Nieuw Nijenrode

Below you see the stations which are near the street Nieuw Nijenrode with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Breukelen Stationsweg 85 3621LK 1.42 km
Station Maarssen Westkanaaldijk 27 3606AM 5.22 km
Station Vleuten Stationsstraat 53 3451BW 6.5 km
Station Utrecht Terwijde Hof ter Weydeweg 1 3451ST 6.8 km
Station Abcoude Stationsplein 4 1391GS 12.7 km

supermarkets Nieuw Nijenrode

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Nieuw Nijenrode.

supermarket street postcode distance
Albert Heijn Markt 10 3621AB 1.15 km
Aldi Hazeslinger 10 3621AT 1.31 km
Jumbo Karel Doormanweg 10 3621JX 2.3 km
Vomar Zwanenkamp 302 3607SG 2.36 km
Lidl Reigerskamp 610 3607JK 3.49 km
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