In search for the postcode of Groen van Prinstererweg? There is one postcode linked to the street Groen van Prinstererweg in IJsselstein. Groen van Prinstererweg is a street in the place IJsselstein within the municipality IJsselstein in the province Utrecht. Groen van Prinstererweg has the postcode number 3404 and is located in the neighbourhood Het Staatse within the district Wijk 00 IJsselstein.
There is one postcode belonging to the street Groen van Prinstererweg in IJsselstein.
postcode | street | house numbers |
3404HP | Groen van Prinstererweg | 2 t/m 6 |
Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Groen van Prinstererweg.
Postcodes in the vicinity of the street Groen van Prinstererweg in IJsselstein.
Streets near the street Groen van Prinstererweg in IJsselstein.
Groen van Prinstererweg is a street in the place IJsselstein within the municipality IJsselstein of the province Utrecht. Groen van Prinstererweg is 1 of the 489 streets in IJsselstein. Groen van Prinstererweg has 1 postcode of the total 808 postcodes that IJsselstein knows.
Groen van Prinstererweg is located in the neighbourhood Het Staatse within the district Wijk 00 IJsselstein. This neighbourhood has a total of 47 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 660 households with 2 020 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Groen van Prinstererweg is 030.
province: | Utrecht |
municipality: | IJsselstein |
place: | IJsselstein |
district: | Wijk 00 IJsselstein |
neighbourhood: | Het Staatse |
postcode number: | 3404 |
area code: | 030 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Groen van Prinstererweg
Below you see the stations which are near the street Groen van Prinstererweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Utrecht Terwijde | Hof ter Weydeweg 1 | 3451ST | 9.9 km |
Station Vleuten | Stationsstraat 53 | 3451BW | 10.15 km |
Station Utrecht Centraal | Stationshal 12 | 3511CE | 11.49 km |
Station Utrecht Lunetten | Furkaplateau 101 | 3524ZH | 12.87 km |
Station Maarssen | Westkanaaldijk 27 | 3606AM | 13.01 km |
Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Groen van Prinstererweg.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
Albert Heijn | Basiliekpad 4 | 3401BJ | 0.35 km |
Plus | Praagsingel 62 | 3404CD | 0.63 km |
C1000 | de Biezen 11 | 3401GD | 1.34 km |
C1000 | De Clinckhoeff 2 | 3402GB | 1.74 km |
Jumbo | Televisiebaan 102 | 3402VH | 2.13 km |