Postcode Nieuweweg in Veenendaal

In search for the postcode of Nieuweweg? There are 12 postcodes linked to the street Nieuweweg in Veenendaal. Nieuweweg is a street in the place Veenendaal within the municipality Veenendaal in the province Utrecht. Nieuweweg has the postcode number 3901 and is located in the neighbourhood Koopcentrum within the district Wijk 00 Centrum.

Overview Postcodes Nieuweweg

There are 12 postcodes belonging to the street Nieuweweg in Veenendaal.

postcode street house numbers
3901BD Nieuweweg 1 t/m 37
3901BE Nieuweweg 2 t/m 36
3905LH Nieuweweg 39 t/m 91
3905LJ Nieuweweg 93 t/m 135
3905LK Nieuweweg 153 t/m 177
3905LL Nieuweweg 179 t/m 203
3905LM Nieuweweg 207 t/m 229
3905LN Nieuweweg 40 t/m 66
3905LP Nieuweweg 68 t/m 108
3905LR Nieuweweg 110 t/m 160
3905LS Nieuweweg 162 t/m 196
3905LT Nieuweweg 200 t/m 226

More about Nieuweweg

Nieuweweg is a street in the place Veenendaal within the municipality Veenendaal of the province Utrecht. Nieuweweg is 1 of the 686 streets in Veenendaal. Nieuweweg knows 12 postcodes of the total 1 487 postcodes that Veenendaal has.

Nieuweweg is located in the neighbourhood Koopcentrum within the district Wijk 00 Centrum. This neighbourhood has a total of 62 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 590 households with 985 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Nieuweweg is 0318.

province: Utrecht
municipality: Veenendaal
place: Veenendaal
district: Wijk 00 Centrum
neighbourhood: Koopcentrum
postcode number: 3901
area code: 0318

Stations and supermarkets Nieuweweg

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Nieuweweg

stations Nieuweweg

Below you see the stations which are near the street Nieuweweg with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Veenendaal Centrum Stationsplein 6 3901ES 1.4 km
Station Veenendaal-de Klomp Stationsweg 15 6745XM 2.64 km
Station Veenendaal West Het Overslag 32 3906AC 2.72 km
Station Rhenen Stationsplein 1 3911BK 8.51 km
Station Lunteren Stationsstraat 1 6741DH 9.52 km

supermarkets Nieuweweg

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Nieuweweg.

supermarket street postcode distance
Boni Scheepjeshof 30 3901CV 0.13 km
Aldi Scheepjeshof 40 3901CV 0.14 km
Albert Heijn Passage 50 3901AZ 0.6 km
Hoogvliet J.P.C. Leinweberstraat 6 3905EJ 0.63 km
Hoogvliet Kerkewijk 31 3901EB 0.77 km
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