Postcode Dominee B. Toesplein in Alblasserdam

In search for the postcode of Dominee B. Toesplein? There is one postcode linked to the street Dominee B. Toesplein in Alblasserdam. Dominee B. Toesplein is a street in the place Alblasserdam within the municipality Alblasserdam in the province Zuid-Holland. Dominee B. Toesplein has the postcode number 2953 and is located in the neighbourhood Dijk within the district Wijk 02 Kinderdijk.

Overview Postcodes Dominee B. Toesplein

There is one postcode belonging to the street Dominee B. Toesplein in Alblasserdam.

postcode street house numbers
2953XW Dominee B. Toesplein 1 t/m 9

More about Dominee B. Toesplein

Dominee B. Toesplein is a street in the place Alblasserdam within the municipality Alblasserdam of the province Zuid-Holland. Dominee B. Toesplein is 1 of the 245 streets in Alblasserdam. Dominee B. Toesplein has 1 postcode of the total 391 postcodes that Alblasserdam knows.

Dominee B. Toesplein is located in the neighbourhood Dijk within the district Wijk 02 Kinderdijk. This neighbourhood has a total of 15 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 230 households with 580 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Dominee B. Toesplein is 078.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Alblasserdam
place: Alblasserdam
district: Wijk 02 Kinderdijk
neighbourhood: Dijk
postcode number: 2953
area code: 078

Stations and supermarkets Dominee B. Toesplein

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Dominee B. Toesplein

stations Dominee B. Toesplein

Below you see the stations which are near the street Dominee B. Toesplein with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Zwijndrecht Stationsplein 1 3331LL 6.73 km
Station Dordrecht Stationsplein 1 3311JV 8.58 km
Station Barendrecht Stationsweg 1 2991RN 9.4 km
Station Dordrecht Zuid S.M. Hugo van Gijnweg 1 3317JD 9.75 km
Station Nieuwerkerk a/ d Ijssel Stationsplein 1 2912SM 10.11 km

supermarkets Dominee B. Toesplein

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Dominee B. Toesplein.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Scheldeplein 5 2953EV 1.43 km
Albert Heijn De Markt 317 2931EC 2.01 km
Coop Vlietplein 191 2986GM 2.04 km
Albert Heijn Makado-Center 41 2951EH 3.05 km
Albert Heijn Dillenburgplein 5 2983CB 3.19 km
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