Postcode Segbroeklaan in Den Haag

In search for the postcode of Segbroeklaan? There are 27 postcodes linked to the street Segbroeklaan in Den Haag. Segbroeklaan is a street in the place Den Haag within the municipality Den Haag in the province Zuid-Holland. Segbroeklaan has the postcode number 2565 and is located in the neighbourhood Bloemenbuurt-Oost within the district Wijk 12 Bomen- en Bloemenbuurt.

Overview Postcodes Segbroeklaan

There are 27 postcodes belonging to the street Segbroeklaan in Den Haag.

postcode street house numbers
2565DE Segbroeklaan 428 t/m 464
2565DG Segbroeklaan 466 t/m 500
2565DH Segbroeklaan 508 t/m 542
2565DJ Segbroeklaan 544 t/m 578
2565DK Segbroeklaan 580 t/m 616
2565DL Segbroeklaan 6 t/m 52
2565DM Segbroeklaan 54 t/m 102
2565DN Segbroeklaan 104 t/m 152
2565DP Segbroeklaan 154 t/m 176
2565DR Segbroeklaan 178 t/m 204
2565DS Segbroeklaan 206 t/m 252
2565DT Segbroeklaan 254 t/m 276
2565DV Segbroeklaan 278 t/m 304
2565DW Segbroeklaan 306 t/m 352
2565DX Segbroeklaan 354 t/m 376
2565DZ Segbroeklaan 378 t/m 402
2565EA Segbroeklaan 406 t/m 406
2565EB Segbroeklaan 408 t/m 408
2565EC Segbroeklaan 410 t/m 410
2565ED Segbroeklaan 412 t/m 412
2565EE Segbroeklaan 414 t/m 414
2565EG Segbroeklaan 416 t/m 416
2565EH Segbroeklaan 418 t/m 418
2565EJ Segbroeklaan 420 t/m 420
2565EK Segbroeklaan 422 t/m 422
2565EL Segbroeklaan 424 t/m 424
2566NN Segbroeklaan 129 t/m 129

Postcodes and streets at Segbroeklaan in Den Haag

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Segbroeklaan.

More about Segbroeklaan

Segbroeklaan is a street in the place Den Haag within the municipality Den Haag of the province Zuid-Holland. Segbroeklaan is 1 of the 3 010 streets in Den Haag. Segbroeklaan knows 27 postcodes of the total 13 573 postcodes that Den Haag has.

Segbroeklaan is located in the neighbourhood Bloemenbuurt-Oost within the district Wijk 12 Bomen- en Bloemenbuurt. This neighbourhood has a total of 187 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 3 280 households with 6 355 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Segbroeklaan is 070.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Den Haag
place: Den Haag
district: Wijk 12 Bomen- en Bloemenbuurt
neighbourhood: Bloemenbuurt-Oost
postcode number: 2565
area code: 070

Stations and supermarkets Segbroeklaan

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Segbroeklaan

stations Segbroeklaan

Below you see the stations which are near the street Segbroeklaan with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Den Haag Moerwijk Hildebrandstraat 20 2524VJ 6.17 km
Station Den Haag HS Stationsplein 40 2515BV 6.65 km
Station Den Haag Centraal Rijnstraat 2 2515XP 6.66 km
Station Rijswijk Piramideplein 5 2283CK 7.73 km
Station Den Haag Laan van NOI Laan van Nieuw-Oost-Indiƫ 393 2593BS 8.83 km

supermarkets Segbroeklaan

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Segbroeklaan.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Anemoonstraat 4 2565DD 0.5 km
Plus Fahrenheitstraat 436 2561DG 0.91 km
Hoogvliet Tesselseplein 49 2583HR 1.29 km
Troefmarkt Valkenbosplein 6 2563CA 1.5 km
Troefmarkt Abrikozenplein 32 2564PG 1.69 km
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