What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Goudseweg? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Goudseweg. The neighbourhood Goudseweg is one of the 9 neighbourhoods within the district Wijk 10 Stolwijk. There are 1 postcodes and 1 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.
The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Goudseweg.
Goudseweg is a neighborhood in the district Wijk 10 Stolwijk within the city Stolwijk of the province Zuid-Holland. The neighborhood Goudseweg has 1 postcodes with 1 streets.
In total Goudseweg counts 25 households with 45 inhabitants. The households comprise 36% of single households, 23% of households with children and 41% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Goudseweg, -45 000 000 are married, that is -99999999% of the inhabitants of Goudseweg.
province: | Zuid-Holland |
municipality: | Krimpenerwaard |
place: | Stolwijk |
district: | Wijk 10 Stolwijk |
postcode numbers: | 2821, |
area code: | 0182 |
The overview of stations and supermarkets in Goudseweg and surroundings.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Goudseweg
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Gouda Goverwelle | Willensplein 21 | 2807PA | 3.8 km |
Station Gouda | Stationsplein 11 | 2801AK | 6.79 km |
Station Bodegraven | Stationsplein 1 | 2411EH | 10.91 km |
Station Waddinxveen | Stationsplein 1 | 2741HL | 13.71 km |
Station Waddinxveen Noord | Sparrengaarde 1 | 2742DM | 14.5 km |
These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Goudseweg.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
EMTE | Goudseweg 22 | 2821BG | 1.89 km |
Plus | Populierenlaan 5 | 2821BA | 1.97 km |
Coop | Kleine Haven 11 | 2851BP | 2.73 km |
Albert Heijn | Middenmolenplein 64 | 2807GZ | 3.39 km |
C1000 | de Rijkestraat 7 | 2806MJ | 4.37 km |