What are the postcodes of the neighbourhood Blijdorp? On this page you will find postcode information about the neighbourhood Blijdorp. The neighbourhood Blijdorp is one of the 7 neighbourhoods within the district Noord. There are 275 postcodes and 63 corresponding streets within this neighbourhood.
The overview of the postcodes and streets of the neighbourhood Blijdorp.
Some postcodes of the neighborhood Blijdorp. How many postcodes Blijdorp has? Blijdorp has 275 postcodes.
How many streets does Blijdorp have? Blijdorp has 63 streets. Below are all the streets of the neighborhood Blijdorp.
Blijdorp is a neighborhood in the district Noord within the city Rotterdam of the province Zuid-Holland. The neighborhood Blijdorp has 275 postcodes with 63 streets.
In total Blijdorp counts 5 930 households with 10 160 inhabitants. The households comprise 54% of single households, 19% of households with children and 26% of households without children. Of the inhabitants in Blijdorp, 2 337 are married, that is 23% of the inhabitants of Blijdorp.
The overview of stations and supermarkets in Blijdorp and surroundings.
These 5 stations with postcode and address can be found near Blijdorp
station | street | postcode | distance |
Station Rotterdam Centraal | Proveniersplein 1A | 3033EA | 1.74 km |
Station Rotterdam Hofplein | Katshoek 39 | 3032AE | 2.66 km |
Station Rotterdam Wilgenplas | Wilgenplaslaan 1 | 3053SB | 2.94 km |
Station Rotterdam Noord | Bergweg 8 | 3036BA | 3.04 km |
Station Rotterdam Bergweg | Bergweg 4 | 3051AA | 3.06 km |
These are the 5 nearest supermarkets for Blijdorp.
supermarket | street | postcode | distance |
Albert Heijn | Statenweg 103 | 3039HJ | 0.2 km |
Plus | Stadhoudersplein 135 | 3038EA | 0.79 km |
Albert Heijn | Bentinckplein 40 | 3039KM | 0.81 km |
Dirk | Schepenstraat 115 | 3039NE | 0.88 km |
Dirk | 1e Middellandstraat 115 | 3021BD | 1.49 km |