Postcode Schumannstraat in Oud-Beijerland

In search for the postcode of Schumannstraat? There is one postcode linked to the street Schumannstraat in Oud-Beijerland. Schumannstraat is a street in the place Oud-Beijerland within the municipality Oud-Beijerland in the province Zuid-Holland. Schumannstraat has the postcode number 3261 and is located in the neighbourhood Poortwijk within the district Wijk 00.

Overview Postcodes Schumannstraat

There is one postcode belonging to the street Schumannstraat in Oud-Beijerland.

postcode street house numbers
3261JR Schumannstraat 1 t/m 5

More about Schumannstraat

Schumannstraat is a street in the place Oud-Beijerland within the municipality Oud-Beijerland of the province Zuid-Holland. Schumannstraat is 1 of the 385 streets in Oud-Beijerland. Schumannstraat has 1 postcode of the total 522 postcodes that Oud-Beijerland knows.

Schumannstraat is located in the neighbourhood Poortwijk within the district Wijk 00. This neighbourhood has a total of 79 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 1 545 households with 4 050 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Schumannstraat is 0186.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Oud-Beijerland
place: Oud-Beijerland
district: Wijk 00
neighbourhood: Poortwijk
postcode number: 3261
area code: 0186

Stations and supermarkets Schumannstraat

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Schumannstraat

stations Schumannstraat

Below you see the stations which are near the street Schumannstraat with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Rotterdam Lombardijen Spinozaweg 500 3076ET 11.62 km
Station Schiedam Centrum Horvathweg 1 3112HB 12.23 km
Station Rotterdam Centraal Proveniersplein 1A 3033EA 13.18 km
Station Rotterdam Zuid Rosestraat 404 3071AH 13.22 km
Station Schiedam Nieuwland Johan de Wittsingel 321 3119TM 13.24 km

supermarkets Schumannstraat

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Schumannstraat.

supermarket street postcode distance
Jumbo Koninginneplein 17 3261AZ 1.64 km
Lidl Burg. De Vries Broekmanlaan 2 3261EC 1.97 km
Dirk Vierwiekenplein 46 3262AP 3.08 km
Albert Heijn Beijersehof 19 3262VR 3.2 km
Aldi Molenaar 8 3262DE 4.24 km
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