Postcode Laan van Wateringse Veld in Wateringen

In search for the postcode of Laan van Wateringse Veld? There is one postcode linked to the street Laan van Wateringse Veld in Wateringen. Laan van Wateringse Veld is a street in the place Wateringen within the municipality Westland in the province Zuid-Holland. Laan van Wateringse Veld has the postcode number 2292 and is located in the neighbourhood Bedrijventerrein Wateringen within the district Wijk 06 Wateringen.

Overview Postcodes Laan van Wateringse Veld

There is one postcode belonging to the street Laan van Wateringse Veld in Wateringen.

postcode street house numbers
2292JR Laan van Wateringse Veld 1624 t/m 1624

More about Laan van Wateringse Veld

Laan van Wateringse Veld is a street in the place Wateringen within the municipality Westland of the province Zuid-Holland. Laan van Wateringse Veld is 1 of the 234 streets in Wateringen. Laan van Wateringse Veld has 1 postcode of the total 398 postcodes that Wateringen knows.

Laan van Wateringse Veld is located in the neighbourhood Bedrijventerrein Wateringen within the district Wijk 06 Wateringen. This neighbourhood has a total of 38 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 445 households with 490 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Laan van Wateringse Veld is 0174.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Westland
place: Wateringen
district: Wijk 06 Wateringen
neighbourhood: Bedrijventerrein Wateringen
postcode number: 2292
area code: 0174

Stations and supermarkets Laan van Wateringse Veld

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Laan van Wateringse Veld

stations Laan van Wateringse Veld

Below you see the stations which are near the street Laan van Wateringse Veld with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Rijswijk Piramideplein 5 2283CK 3.04 km
Station Den Haag Moerwijk Hildebrandstraat 20 2524VJ 4.49 km
Station Den Haag HS Stationsplein 40 2515BV 6.24 km
Station Delft Zuid Marcellus Emantspad 3 2624VD 7.09 km
Station Den Haag Centraal Rijnstraat 2 2515XP 7.36 km

supermarkets Laan van Wateringse Veld

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Laan van Wateringse Veld.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Madridweg 16 2548VK 0.97 km
Lidl Athenesingel 484 2548TL 1.47 km
Lidl Dr H.J. van Mooklaan 133 2286BC 1.65 km
Albert Heijn XL Bogaardplein 22 2284DM 2.43 km
Hoogvliet Pr Johan Friso Promenade 5 2284DD 2.65 km
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