Postcode Justus van Effenhove in Zoetermeer

In search for the postcode of Justus van Effenhove? There are 4 postcodes linked to the street Justus van Effenhove in Zoetermeer. Justus van Effenhove is a street in the place Zoetermeer within the municipality Zoetermeer in the province Zuid-Holland. Justus van Effenhove has the postcode number 2717 and is located in the neighbourhood Buytenwegh within the district Buytenwegh de Leyens.

Overview Postcodes Justus van Effenhove

There are 4 postcodes belonging to the street Justus van Effenhove in Zoetermeer.

postcode street house numbers
2717VA Justus van Effenhove 1 t/m 35
2717VB Justus van Effenhove 37 t/m 51
2717VC Justus van Effenhove 53 t/m 103
2717VD Justus van Effenhove 111 t/m 149

More about Justus van Effenhove

Justus van Effenhove is a street in the place Zoetermeer within the municipality Zoetermeer of the province Zuid-Holland. Justus van Effenhove is 1 of the 1 210 streets in Zoetermeer. Justus van Effenhove knows 4 postcodes of the total 3 106 postcodes that Zoetermeer has.

Justus van Effenhove is located in the neighbourhood Buytenwegh within the district Buytenwegh de Leyens. This neighbourhood has a total of 278 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 4 745 households with 10 260 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Justus van Effenhove is 079.

province: Zuid-Holland
municipality: Zoetermeer
place: Zoetermeer
district: Buytenwegh de Leyens
neighbourhood: Buytenwegh
postcode number: 2717
area code: 079

Stations and supermarkets Justus van Effenhove

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Justus van Effenhove

stations Justus van Effenhove

Below you see the stations which are near the street Justus van Effenhove with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Zoetermeer Centrum West Centrum West 105 2711AA 0.31 km
Station Zoetermeer Buytenwegh Kentgensplein 1 2717HS 0.54 km
Station Zoetermeer Stadhuis Stadhuisplein 22 2711EC 1.27 km
Station Driemanspolder Kinderen van Versteegplein 40 2713HC 1.62 km
Station Zoetermeer De Leyens Van 't Hoffplein 5 2725EA 1.7 km

supermarkets Justus van Effenhove

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Justus van Effenhove.

supermarket street postcode distance
Lidl Titus Brandsmahove 70 2717TH 0.52 km
Albert Heijn XL Westwaarts 41 2711AD 0.54 km
Jumbo Kentgensplein 3 2717HS 0.57 km
Hoogvliet Van Stolberglaan 23 2713ES 1.2 km
Albert Heijn Broekwegzijde 150 2725PE 1.46 km
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