postcode Balloërveld

What are the postcodes of Balloërveld? On this page you will find postcode information about Balloërveld and extensive geographical and demographic data. Balloërveld has 21 districts and 54 neighbourhoods. You can also view the postcode data of Balloërveld by neighbourhood and district.

  • provinceDrenthe
  • municipalityAa en Hunze
  • placeBalloërveld
  • population density91 inhabitants per km2
  • inhabitants25 243 inhabitants
  • households10 904 households
  • neighbourhoods 54 neighbourhoods
  • postcodes1 postcodes
  • streets1 streets
  • districts 21 districts
  • land27 625 km2 land
  • water262 km2 water

Balloërveld postcodes and streets

The overview of the postcodes and streets of Balloërveld.

postcodes Balloërveld

A few postcodes of the place Balloërveld. How many postcodes Balloërveld has? Balloërveld has 1 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you will find every postcode of Balloërveld.

streets Balloërveld

How many streets does Balloërveld have? Balloërveld has 1 streets. See the list of all streets of Balloërveld on the page overview streets Balloërveld and find the corresponding postcodes. below are some streets of the city Balloërveld.

All streets of Balloërveld

postcode numbers Balloërveld

These are all postcode numbers of Balloërveld, find the underlying postcodes per postcode number. In total Balloërveld has 1 postcode numbers.

more about Balloërveld

Balloërveld is a place in the municipality Aa en Hunze in the province Drenthe. Balloërveld has 1 postcodes with 1 streets and Balloërveld is divided into 21 districts and 54 neighbourhoods. Balloërveld has a total surface area of 27 888 km2 of which 262 km2 consists of water and 27 625 km2 of land.

In Balloërveld there are in 10 904 households with 25 243 inhabitants. The households are for 27% single households, 33.0% are households with children and 40% are households without children. Of the inhabitants in Balloërveld, 12 117 are married, which is 48% of the population.

municipality:Aa en Hunze
area code:0592
postcodes:1 postcodes
streets:1 streets
neighbourhoods:54 neighbourhoods
districts:21 districts
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