Postcode Bungalowpark in Doldersum

In search for the postcode of Bungalowpark? There are 6 postcodes linked to the street Bungalowpark in Doldersum. Bungalowpark is a street in the place Doldersum within the municipality Westerveld in the province Drenthe. Bungalowpark has the postcode number 8386 and is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Doldersum within the district Wijk 16 Doldersum.

Overview Postcodes Bungalowpark

There are 6 postcodes belonging to the street Bungalowpark in Doldersum.

postcode street house numbers
8386XG Bungalowpark 20 t/m 40
8386XH Bungalowpark 41 t/m 65
8386XJ Bungalowpark 66 t/m 85
8386XK Bungalowpark 95 t/m 118
8386XL Bungalowpark 119 t/m 155
8386XM Bungalowpark 123 t/m 129

Postcodes and streets at Bungalowpark in Doldersum

Below you will find postcodes and streets near the street Bungalowpark.

Postcodes at Bungalowpark

Postcodes in the vicinity of the street Bungalowpark in Doldersum.

Streets at Bungalowpark

Streets near the street Bungalowpark in Doldersum.

More about Bungalowpark

Bungalowpark is a street in the place Doldersum within the municipality Westerveld of the province Drenthe. Bungalowpark is 1 of the 6 streets in Doldersum. Bungalowpark knows 6 postcodes of the total 11 postcodes that Doldersum has.

Bungalowpark is located in the neighbourhood Verspreide huizen Doldersum within the district Wijk 16 Doldersum. This neighbourhood has a total of 9 postcodes. In this neighbourhood you will find 25 households with 60 inhabitants. The area code of the inhabitants of the Bungalowpark is 0521.

province: Drenthe
municipality: Westerveld
place: Doldersum
district: Wijk 16 Doldersum
neighbourhood: Verspreide huizen Doldersum
postcode number: 8386
area code: 0521

Stations and supermarkets Bungalowpark

The overview of stations and supermarkets near the street Bungalowpark

stations Bungalowpark

Below you see the stations which are near the street Bungalowpark with the corresponding street name and postcode.

station street postcode distance
Station Steenwijk Stationsplein 4 8331GM 19.4 km
Station Meppel Stationsweg 70 7941HG 23.29 km
Station Wolvega Stationsweg 6 8471AR 28.31 km
Station Beilen Stationslaan 9 9411PS 29.41 km
Station Hoogeveen Stationsplein 1 7901AA 29.6 km

supermarkets Bungalowpark

Below is an overview of supermarkets with postcode and address information near the street Bungalowpark.

supermarket street postcode distance
Coop Dorpsstraat 32 8381AN 6.61 km
Coop Hoofdstraat 82 7981AV 7.95 km
Troefmarkt Brink 6 8423TE 10.85 km
Lidl Trambaan 9 8431WB 11.41 km
C1000 Stipeplein 14 8431WE 11.42 km
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