What are the postcodes of the municipality Borger-Odoorn? On this page you will find postcode information about the municipality Borger-Odoorn. There are 25 places in the municipality Borger-Odoorn and those are the places: 1e Exloërmond, 2e Exloërmond, 2e Valthermond, Borger, Bronneger, Bronnegerveen, Buinen, Buinerveen, Drouwen, Drouwenermond, Drouwenerveen, Ees, Eesergroen, Eeserveen, Ellertshaar, Exloërveen, Exloo, Klijndijk, Nieuw-Buinen, Odoorn, Odoornerveen, Valthe, Valthermond, Westdorp en Zandberg. Municipality Borger-Odoorn has 17 distrcts and 43 neighbourhoods. You can also view the postcode data of the municipality Borger-Odoorn by neighbourhood and district.
The overview of the postcodes and streets of the municipality Borger-Odoorn
Some postcodes of the municipality Borger-Odoorn. The municipality Borger-Odoorn has 800 postcodes. Via the 4-digit postcode number you can find every postcode of the municipality Borger-Odoorn.
How many streets does Borger-Odoorn have? The municipality Borger-Odoorn has 361 streets. Below are a number of streets of the municipality Borger-Odoorn
These are all postcode numbers of the municipality Borger-Odoorn, see per postcode number the underlying postcodes. In total, the municipality has Borger-Odoorn 28 postcode numbers.
Borger-Odoorn is a municipality in the province Drenthe. The municipality Borger-Odoorn has 800 postcodes with 361 streets and the municipality is divided into 17 neighbourhoods and 43 neighbourhoods.
Which places are in the municipality Borger-Odoorn? There are 25 places in the municipality Borger-Odoorn. These are the next places:
province: | Drenthe |
municipality: | Borger-Odoorn |
places: | 25 places |
postcodes: | 800 postcodes |
streets: | 361 streets |
neighbourhoods: | 43 neighbourhoods |
districts: | 17 districts |
The overview of the neighbourhoods and districts of the municipality Borger-Odoorn
Below you see a few districts in the municipality Borger-Odoorn, the complete overview with the districts of municipality Borger-Odoorn can be seen on the page district overview municipality Borger-Odoorn. In the municipality Borger-Odoorn a total of 17 districts can be found.
The municipalityBorger-Odoorn has 43 neighbourhoods of which a number of neighbourhoods can be seen below. See the page neighbourhoods overview municipality Borger-Odoorn for an overview of all neighbourhoods in the municipality Borger-Odoorn.